3 benefits of transferring to Marymount

3 benefits of transferring to Marymount

  When it comes to choosing a university to transfer to, there are countless choices. You’ve already taken classes, you’ve worked hard to maintain strong grades and maybe even received your associate’s degree. What comes next? Which school do you select to complete your bachelor’s degree, and why? Many Marymount University graduates began their undergraduate […]

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6 things to do the summer before your senior year of high school

6 things to do the summer before your senior year of high school

Temperatures are rising, trees are lush with green leaves and summer vacation will begin very soon! Summer is the time of year most high school students spend the other nine months wishing for, but early and mid-May can often be the worst time as you’re overwhelmed with papers to write and exams to take.  But […]

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The pros of going into college undecided

The pros of going into college undecided

  Daunting decisions about college don’t end after you’ve committed to a university, unfortunately. Once you’ve chosen the school you’ll be attending in the fall, you’re quickly faced with another all-important question from friends and family — what are you going to major in? Some have had a steadfast answer to this question since the […]

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3 ways to start preparing for your final year of high school

3 ways to start preparing for your final year of high school

  Dear rising high school senior — after three years of dedicated schoolwork, you’re on the cusp of your senior year! Congratulations are in order, but now is not the time to rest on your laurels. It’s time to prepare for the upcoming year, and the next four after that as well! You’ve probably already […]

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3 ways to get the ideal letter of recommendation from your teachers

3 ways to get the ideal letter of recommendation from your teachers

  Did you know that a great letter of recommendation is gold for your college applications? It’s true! College admissions committees love letters of recommendations because teachers can provide a unique and trusted point of view on your academic level, your personality, leadership capability and readiness for college. So to help you, we’ve put together […]

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3 New Year’s resolutions for high school seniors in 2022

Resolutions for high school seniors

  A new year, a new you! It’s a cliché we’ve all heard before, but it’s true if you’re graduating in 2022 — life as you know it is about to change. In a few months, high school will become a memory as you embark on the exciting new journey into higher education. A new […]

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Journalism leaders appear in MU classrooms for Fall 2021 Communication Speaker Series

Journalism leaders appear in MU classrooms for Fall 2021 Communication Speaker Series

  A variety of professional journalists from print, television and digital news outlets made appearances this semester in the University’s Contemporary Journalism and Broadcast Writing & Delivery courses, both taught by Professor Kathleen Murphy Nee, to share their advice and expertise with Marymount students. Speakers included: Steve Warmbir, Editor-in-Chief of the Chicago Sun-Times Alexis Rogers […]

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3 reasons why you should get to know your professors personally

3 reasons why there is real value in getting to know your professors personally

  One of the most beneficial things you can do in college is build relationships with your professors. This is especially easy to do at universities with smaller class sizes (Marymount’s student-faculty ratio is 14:1). College professors are fascinating people! You may have a Biology professor who researches and volunteers in Belize, a Physical Therapy […]

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Marymount University