6 things to do the summer before your senior year of high school

6 things to do the summer before your senior year of high school

Temperatures are rising, trees are lush with green leaves and summer vacation will begin very soon! Summer is the time of year most high school students spend the other nine months wishing for, but early and mid-May can often be the worst time as you’re overwhelmed with papers to write and exams to take.  But […]

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Make your transfer experience (nearly) stress-free with these 5 tips

Make your transfer experience (nearly) stress-free with these 5 tips

  Transferring colleges may seem complicated and overwhelming. At Marymount University, however, the process is surprisingly simple. In this blog, we outline some of the steps that we’ve taken to make your transfer experience as easy as possible. You’ll be a part of campus life before you know it! 1. We have numerous scholarships available […]

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6 ways to prepare for the SAT or ACT

6 ways to prepare for the SAT or ACT

  As you’re gearing up to prepare for college applications, you’ll need to devote time to getting ready for the SAT (or ACT in some cases). How thoroughly you’ll need to prepare will depend on the student, but regardless of your test-taking abilities, taking the time to prepare for standardized tests for college is important. […]

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5 ways to improve your SAT/ACT score the next time you take it

5 ways to improve your SAT/ACT score the next time you take it

  Have you taken the SAT or the ACT for the first time, but aren’t so happy with your score? If so, that’s totally fine and you aren’t alone. Many students don’t get the exact score they were aiming for after taking one of the standardized tests for college the first time, but then get […]

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12 SAT and ACT survival tips every high schooler should try

12 SAT and ACT survival tips every high schooler should try

  Do you have anxiety about taking the SAT or ACT? We get it, and we’re here to help. Figuring out how to study for and do well on standardized tests for college can be a really stressful thing for college-bound students, but the Admissions team at Marymount University put together a list of 12 […]

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4 videos designed to help you ace the SAT or ACT

4 videos designed to help you ace the SAT or ACT

  Many high school students are aware that certain standardized tests for college are a requirement for most university admissions, and many college-bound students feel a lot of pressure when studying and preparing for the SAT or ACT. Here are a few videos that you should watch when tackling your college test prep! 1. Train […]

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Marymount University