Business Information Technology Certificate

Beginning Fall ’21

The certificate program prepares students who do not have an existing IT background for positions in today’s technology-focused job fields such as technology management, technology recruitment, technology procurement, and technology sales. These fields continue to expand globally and locally with a wide range of open positions in government and industry.

At the conclusion of this certificate, students are expected to be able to analyze business problems and identify solutions utilizing modern technology, demonstrate basic knowledge and skills in common technology aspects including infrastructure, cybersecurity, and database, and be able to communicate technology concepts to management and end users.

The required courses include:

  • IT 510 Requirements Analysis
  • IT 520 Enterprise Infrastructures and Networks
  • IT 530 Computer Security
  • IT 540 Enterprise Data Management and Analysis

The certificate can be used as a “stackable” component of the M.S in Technology Management or towards the M.S in information Technology.