Why you should visit colleges during your junior year

Why you should visit colleges during your junior year

  It’s your junior year of high school, and you’re eagerly awaiting all the treats your senior year has to offer — prom, senior privileges, graduation and college decisions! But try not to put off college visits, tours or interviews to your senior year. Exploring your college options during your junior year will give you […]

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6 things to do the summer before your senior year of high school

6 things to do the summer before your senior year of high school

Temperatures are rising, trees are lush with green leaves and summer vacation will begin very soon! Summer is the time of year most high school students spend the other nine months wishing for, but early and mid-May can often be the worst time as you’re overwhelmed with papers to write and exams to take.  But […]

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Finding a diverse college experience

Finding a diverse college experience

As you begin your college search, you begin to think about what you’ll study, whether you’ll attend a large or small institution, whether you’ll play a varsity sport, what clubs and organizations you’ll join and what there is to do around the college of your choice. These are common questions — you’re not alone. Offering […]

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Why you should visit colleges after you’ve been accepted

Why you should visit colleges after you've been accepted

  Congratulations! You have been accepted to college! At this point in your admissions process, you may be juggling a number of higher education options if you’ve received multiple acceptances. How do you make the right choice? Even if you’ve already visited the campuses before, you may want to travel to them again now that […]

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The importance of campus visits for your college future

The importance of campus visits for your college future

With a few hours at your disposal, you can accomplish a lot. You could finish reading a short book, or watch one of your favorite films. You could also spend that amount of time on a campus visit at Marymount University and get ready for your college future. It’s a practical way to plan for your […]

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Getting the most out of your college visits while in high school

Getting the most out of your college visits while in high school

  The campus visit is an absolute must, and it plays a very important part of the college decision process — you are choosing your home for the next four years. If you talk to any college student about why they chose their school, they might say something like, ‘it was the perfect fit!’ or […]

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Marymount University