The importance of campus visits for your college future

The importance of campus visits for your college future

With a few hours at your disposal, you can accomplish a lot. You could finish reading a short book, or watch one of your favorite films. You could also spend that amount of time on a campus visit at Marymount University and get ready for your college future. It’s a practical way to plan for your […]

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3 ways high school sophomores can start preparing for college this fall

3 ways high school sophomores can start preparing for college this fall

It seems like society is putting more and more pressure on high school students to start thinking about college earlier and earlier. In many ways, entertaining thoughts about what you want to do post-high school, the kind of school you think you might best fit in at and the kind of field you might like […]

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11 questions to ask during a campus tour this summer

Campus Tour

  Deciding where to go to college can be challenging — but know that you’re not alone in this! You really should make visiting college campuses a priority, and taking an organized campus tour is always encouraged. As you do so, remember to ask the below questions of the student ambassador hosting the campus tour. After all, […]

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Marymount University