How to handle the stress of waiting for college acceptance letters

How to handle the stress of waiting for college acceptance letters

  Are you checking your email every moment for word back from the college you applied to? Are you looking online at forums to see if college acceptance letters were sent out yet? Are you talking with your friends or family constantly about whether you’ll get into your first choice, second choice or even back-up […]

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5 ways to avoid senioritis during your last year of high school

5 ways to avoid senioritis during your last year of high school

  You’ve almost made it. The end of your high school career is in sight, and you’ve got just one year left to prepare for all the ways you’re going to conquer that upcoming four-year college experience. But you’ve got one difficult (and maybe unexpected) challenge to overcome. You’ve probably heard of this challenge before […]

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3 ways to avoid stress during the fall of your high school senior year

3 ways to avoid stress during the fall of your high school senior year

  If you are anything like the vast majority of high school seniors, chances are you’re in high-stress mode right about now. The path leading to graduation can feel like an obstacle course — you’re leaping over midterms and exams, wading through college applications and possibly scrambling through a final SAT test. The sheer multitude […]

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3 ways high school sophomores can start preparing for college this fall

3 ways high school sophomores can start preparing for college this fall

  It seems like society is putting more and more pressure on high school students to start thinking about college earlier and earlier. In many ways, entertaining thoughts about what you want to do post-high school, the kind of school you think you might best fit in at and the kind of field you might […]

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9 questions you should ask school reps at college fairs

9 questions you should ask school reps at college fairs

  As a high school senior, odds are that your high school guidance counselors, teachers and parents have reminded you on more than one occasion that you are about to make one of the most important decisions of your life. Hearing that can be a little intimidating! That’s why college fairs can be so helpful. […]

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12 SAT and ACT survival tips every high schooler should try

12 SAT and ACT survival tips every high schooler should try

  Do you have anxiety about taking the SAT or ACT? We get it, and we’re here to help. Figuring out how to study for and do well on standardized tests for college can be a really stressful thing for college-bound students, but the Admissions team at Marymount University put together a list of 12 […]

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3 ways to start preparing for your final year of high school

3 ways to start preparing for your final year of high school

  Dear rising high school senior — after three years of dedicated schoolwork, you’re on the cusp of your senior year! Congratulations are in order, but now is not the time to rest on your laurels. It’s time to prepare for the upcoming year, and the next four after that as well! You’ve probably already […]

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3 must-read books for college students pursuing a competitive edge

3 must-read books for college students pursuing a competitive edge

  Okay, we get it — you’re probably thinking, “Why would I want to read more books when I’m about to spend the next several years reading, writing and researching?” While it’s true that college is a lot of work, it’s really important to prepare yourself with good habits and a strategic plan for making […]

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3 New Year’s resolutions for high school seniors in 2022

Resolutions for high school seniors

  A new year, a new you! It’s a cliché we’ve all heard before, but it’s true if you’re graduating in 2022 — life as you know it is about to change. In a few months, high school will become a memory as you embark on the exciting new journey into higher education. A new […]

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5 questions juniors in high school need to ask right now

5 questions juniors in high school need to ask right now

  As a junior in high school, you have a lot to think about — especially when it comes to preparing for college. It’s important to remember that college is not something you can prepare for overnight. It’s a process that takes time and a lot of effort if you want to get into your […]

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Marymount University