4 videos designed to help you ace the SAT or ACT

4 videos designed to help you ace the SAT or ACT

  Many high school students are aware that certain standardized tests for college are a requirement for most university admissions, and many college-bound students feel a lot of pressure when studying and preparing for the SAT or ACT. Here are a few videos that you should watch when tackling your college test prep! 1. Train […]

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Why diversity is so important to the Marymount experience

Why diversity is so important to the Marymount experience

  What do you want to get out of your college experience? Whether you’re hoping to gain a world-class education, make lifelong friends in a diverse and welcoming community or jumpstart your career by taking advantage of every possible professional opportunity, Marymount University has just what you’re looking for. Read on to learn more about […]

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3 ways to get the ideal letter of recommendation from your teachers

3 ways to get the ideal letter of recommendation from your teachers

  Did you know that a great letter of recommendation is gold for your college applications? It’s true! College admissions committees love letters of recommendations because teachers can provide a unique and trusted point of view on your academic level, your personality, leadership capability and readiness for college. So to help you, we’ve put together […]

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5 ways to secure scholarships early and be ready for college

5 ways to secure scholarships early and be ready for college

  If there’s one thing college applicants should know about applying for scholarships, it’s that sooner is always better. When students start preparing early, they have a much better chance of getting great scholarships than those who wait until the last minute. Students can even benefit from thinking about scholarship applications as early as sophomore […]

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How to keep your entrepreneurial spirit alive in college

How to keep your entrepreneurial spirit alive in college

  You’re almost done with high school, and let’s face it — you’re probably feeling a bit burned out. Maybe you’re wondering if college is the best place to discover your passions and deepen your creative skills. But take a second to consider this — what if your college experiences could help fuel your ability […]

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You should choose a college near D.C. — here’s why

You should choose a college near D.C. - here's why

  Deciding where you’re going to go to college is an incredibly important decision, one that shouldn’t be taken lightly or without serious consideration. But this decision shouldn’t just be about which university you choose — you should also put serious consideration into the area around the university you choose. For that reason, we’re here […]

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8 FAQ’s for students researching financial aid, and 8 helpful answers!

Financial aid FAQ's from Marymount University

  The college admissions process can come with a lot of challenges, but paying for your degree does not need to add to your stress levels. That’s where having a financial aid plan comes in. Here at Marymount University, we have years of experience helping students finance their education. Keep reading for a list of […]

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3 ways to talk about your college decision with your parents

3 ways to talk about your college decision with your parents

  You’ve opened the heavily anticipated acceptance letters and now it’s time to decide — where are you going to go to college? You may have your eyes set on a certain school, but there is another party that you should include in your college decision — your parents. Our parents do a pretty good […]

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3 New Year’s resolutions for high school seniors in 2022

Resolutions for high school seniors

  A new year, a new you! It’s a cliché we’ve all heard before, but it’s true if you’re graduating in 2022 — life as you know it is about to change. In a few months, high school will become a memory as you embark on the exciting new journey into higher education. A new […]

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6 myths (you should ignore) about transferring colleges

6 myths (you should ignore) about transferring colleges

  If you’re a college student who has decided to transfer to Marymount University (or even if you’re still contemplating whether to transfer or not), you’ve probably heard the many misconceived notions that go along with transferring colleges. But don’t worry, we’re here to dispel some of those myths so that you have fewer things […]

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Marymount University