5 topics to discuss with your parents before choosing a college

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  The feeling of reading that acceptance email is incredible. After all those years of hard work, you finally got into college! But maybe you’ve been accepted to several colleges, and you’re struggling to choose which one will be the best fit for you. We know the college decision is huge — that’s why we […]

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5 ways to find your purpose before choosing your major

5 ways to find your purpose before choosing your major

  When you were rushing through high school, the main task was trying to figure out what you could do to get into the best college possible. It was rather clear what you had to do — a lot of work, classes and running around. Working harder at school, SAT prep, volunteering, athletics and writing […]

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7 books to read before your first year of college

7 books to read before your first year of college

  The transition from high school to college is an exciting time. But let’s face it, it can be a little overwhelming too! For many college-bound students, this might be the first time you’ll be living on your own for an extended period. You’ll be more responsible for your day-to-day life, without any supervision or […]

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How to handle the stress of waiting for college acceptance letters

How to handle the stress of waiting for college acceptance letters

  Are you checking your email every moment for word back from the college you applied to? Are you looking online at forums to see if college acceptance letters were sent out yet? Are you talking with your friends or family constantly about whether you’ll get into your first choice, second choice or even back-up […]

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The pros of going into college undecided

The pros of going into college undecided

  Daunting decisions about college don’t end after you’ve committed to a university, unfortunately. Once you’ve chosen the school you’ll be attending in the fall, you’re quickly faced with another all-important question from friends and family — what are you going to major in? Some have had a steadfast answer to this question since the […]

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5 podcasts perfect for college-bound students

5 podcasts perfect for college-bound students

  As a college-bound student, it’s important to arm yourself with skills that really matter — social awareness, critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, monetary self-control and the drive to challenge conventional thinking. You probably already have a ton of things on your plate. So, instead of giving you another lengthy article or book to read […]

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Advice from MU Admissions on beginning your college journey

Advice from MU Admissions on beginning your college journey

  When you begin your first semester of college, it can feel like you’re entering a whole new world — and that can be both thrilling and intimidating, depending on your personality and expectations. But with the right guidance ahead of time, you’ll be ready to put your best foot forward in your academics, extracurriculars, […]

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4 things to know about the Common Application

4 things to know about the Common Application

  So you’ve made the decision to pursue a four-year degree after high school. You’ve done a fair amount of research on the colleges and universities that you’d like to apply to, visited a couple campuses and attended some information sessions. Before you know it, it’s college admissions season, and it’s time to start those […]

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5 ways to improve your SAT/ACT score the next time you take it

5 ways to improve your SAT/ACT score the next time you take it

  Have you taken the SAT or the ACT for the first time, but aren’t so happy with your score? If so, that’s totally fine and you aren’t alone. Many students don’t get the exact score they were aiming for after taking one of the standardized tests for college the first time, but then get […]

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7 common FAFSA mistakes to avoid

7 common FAFSA mistakes to avoid

  Navigating college financial aid applications can be overwhelming, and a lot of high school students assume that filling out the FAFSA will be stressful. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid can be daunting, especially if you’re going into it without any idea of what’s going on. Financing a college education has become more […]

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Marymount University