3 benefits of transferring to Marymount

3 benefits of transferring to Marymount

  When it comes to choosing a university to transfer to, there are countless choices. You’ve already taken classes, you’ve worked hard to maintain strong grades and maybe even received your associate’s degree. What comes next? Which school do you select to complete your bachelor’s degree, and why? Many Marymount University graduates began their undergraduate […]

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Why transferring to a school in D.C. is good for your future career

Why transferring to a school in D.C. is good for your future career

  If you’re thinking of transferring colleges, you may have a list of possible places or ideas of where you’d like to go. A bustling city, or a small college town? A large student population, or a small campus? Whatever your preferences, you should strongly consider putting D.C. at the top of your list. There’s […]

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Let our Admissions team help you transfer from NOVA to MU

Let our Admissions team help you transfer from NOVA to MU

  Attention NOVA students! Are you looking to transfer from Northern Virginia Community College to Marymount University to complete your bachelor’s degree? If so, we understand that you may have many questions about the application process when it comes to transferring colleges. Our aim is to make your transition to Marymount as seamless as possible. We […]

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4 real perks of transferring to a close-knit college in D.C.

4 real perks of transferring to a close-knit college in D.C.

  Are you thinking about transferring colleges? If so, you’re not alone — because nearly half of all Marymount University graduates began their undergraduate education at another institution! That said, if you’ve decided to transfer schools, you may be interested in what perks exist when you choose to transfer to a close-knit college in the […]

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6 myths (you should ignore) about transferring colleges

6 myths (you should ignore) about transferring colleges

  If you’re a college student who has decided to transfer to Marymount University (or even if you’re still contemplating whether to transfer or not), you’ve probably heard the many misconceived notions that go along with transferring colleges. But don’t worry, we’re here to dispel some of those myths so that you have fewer things […]

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Marymount University