3 ways to talk about your college decision with your parents

3 ways to talk about your college decision with your parents

  You’ve opened the heavily anticipated acceptance letters and now it’s time to decide — where are you going to go to college? You may have your eyes set on a certain school, but there is another party that you should include in your college decision — your parents. Our parents do a pretty good […]

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3 New Year’s resolutions for high school seniors in 2022

Resolutions for high school seniors

  A new year, a new you! It’s a cliché we’ve all heard before, but it’s true if you’re graduating in 2022 — life as you know it is about to change. In a few months, high school will become a memory as you embark on the exciting new journey into higher education. A new […]

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6 myths (you should ignore) about transferring colleges

6 myths (you should ignore) about transferring colleges

  If you’re a college student who has decided to transfer to Marymount University (or even if you’re still contemplating whether to transfer or not), you’ve probably heard the many misconceived notions that go along with transferring colleges. But don’t worry, we’re here to dispel some of those myths so that you have fewer things […]

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3 need-to-know tech skills for future leaders in information technology

3 need-to-know tech skills for future leaders in information technology

  The field of information technology is growing rapidly, and now is the ideal time to pursue a lucrative, rewarding career in it. So what are IT employers looking for in future employees? And how can you ensure that the skills you’re gaining in school will remain relevant years from now in this dynamic field? […]

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9 basic elements of a complete college application

10 basic elements of a complete college application

  When tackling the college admissions process, it’s important to have a good understanding of the elements of a traditional, complete application. After all, a well-rounded application is incredibly important for sharing a holistic reflection of your talents, passion to learn and drive to succeed! Here is a quick overview of what your college application […]

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3 reasons why you should get to know your professors personally

3 reasons why there is real value in getting to know your professors personally

  One of the most beneficial things you can do in college is build relationships with your professors. This is especially easy to do at universities with smaller class sizes (Marymount’s student-faculty ratio is 14:1). College professors are fascinating people! You may have a Biology professor who researches and volunteers in Belize, a Physical Therapy […]

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5 questions juniors in high school need to ask right now

5 questions juniors in high school need to ask right now

  As a junior in high school, you have a lot to think about — especially when it comes to preparing for college. It’s important to remember that college is not something you can prepare for overnight. It’s a process that takes time and a lot of effort if you want to get into your […]

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10 healthy, productive ways to handle the pressure of college

10 healthy ways to handle the pressure of college

  Look, we get it — college can be stressful. Between classes, homework, tests, financing your education and juggling your personal life, going to college can be overwhelming and full of pressure. What’s the good news? College is also a fantastic opportunity for you to practice and maintain some healthy ways of dealing with that […]

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7 majors for students who enjoy reading, writing and researching

7 majors for students who enjoy reading, writing and researching

  STEM fields are important — there’s no doubt about that. But with STEM fields so highly promoted, it might seem hard for people who like reading and writing to find their niche in a less technical field. However, there are more options available to students who love to write, research and read than you […]

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What is unique about Marymount’s accelerated Cybersecurity degree?

Marymount's accelerated Cybersecurity degree program

  As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our everyday lives, additional security measures must be implemented to protect our data from cyber attacks. In fact, the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC2) estimates that the skill gap is growing and could leave as many as 1.8 million cybersecurity jobs unfilled by 2022 nationally — […]

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Marymount University