Honors and Organizations

Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society
Alpha Beta Delta Chapter, Marymount University
KDP is an international honor society in Education dedicated to those demonstrating high academic achievement, a commitment to education as a career, and a professional attitude that assures steady growth in the field.

Membership Criteria


  • Be enrolled in an institution offering an education degree and the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education;
  • Demonstrate leadership attributes;
  • Complete at least 30 credit hours of collegiate course work;
  • Have at least 12 credit hours in education course work in progress, or completed;
  • Earn a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or greater;
  • Receive an invitation to membership from the Chapter at the university where you are currently enrolled.

Graduate Students:

  • Have graduate standing in an institution offering an advanced education degree and the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education;
  • Demonstrate leadership attributes;
  • Complete at least 6 credit hours of graduate course work;
  • Have at least 12 credit hours in education course work in progress, or completed;
  • Earn a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher for all graduate coursework completed.

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Student Chapter
The Council for Exceptional Children is an international organization committed to improving the educational success of children with disabilities and/or gifts. CEC works at the federal, state and local level to advocate for improved programming and funding for children with learning differences. The Student Chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) at Marymount University invites all majors to learn about exceptionalities and participate in service of our exceptional community.

Mission Statement
Marymount University’s Chapter of Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) aims to advance exceptional education through advocacy, innovation, and collaboration. We are committed to fostering inclusive environments, promoting best practices in special education, and empowering our members to become compassionate leaders in the field of special education. Through peer-to-peer support initiatives, we strive to create a network where individuals with exceptionalities, their families, and educators can find understanding, encouragement, and resources to thrive.

Become a Member
Students enrolled in a Special Education Foundations course are required to purchase the text, Student Guide to the Council for Exceptional Children, which is published by CEC. With this purchase, the student also receives a one year student membership to CEC. For all others students wishing to become a member of Marymount’s CEC chapter, you MUST register through the national organization. Through the national CEC organization, there is a student rate that includes all of the benefits that a professional educator receives. When filling out the online membership application, be sure to select 0183 to become a member of Marymount University’s CEC student chapter. CEC membership is effective one year from joining.

  • go to the National CEC Website
  • click the Membership tab at the top of the screen
  • click the Join as a New Member
  • begin to fill out the application
    • when you come to the section marked unit, click VA
    • for the section marked “Chapter” click 0183-VA-Marymount University Chapter
      • This is an important step. If you do not choose Marymount University, our records will not show that you have become a member.
    • continue with the application, as well as the payment process

Eligibility for Pre-Service students

  • must currently be enrolled in either a undergraduate or graduate program; and
  • must not have graduated and/or worked as a special education professional

Eligibility for Graduate Students

  • must be currently enrolled in a graduate program; or
  • must be working in the field of special education while pursuing an advanced degree

Benefits of Becoming a Student Member
As a student member of CEC you will:

  • become part of a supportive community
  • have access to CEC’s professional journals
  • have access to the local and regional CEC network
  • receive weekly updates via CEC’s newsletters
  • have opportunities for additional memberships
  • receive a $1 Million Student Educator Professional Liability Insurance policy through Forrest T. Jones & Company if you are a pre-service teacher
  • the opportunity to collaborate with Marymount faculty advisors and the student chapter president on original research projects and conference presentations
  • participate in monthly meetings with the Marymount chapter and
  • participate in the ARC of Northern Virginia Transition Series

For more information please contact Faculty Sponsor, Dr. Nicci T. Dowd, ndowd@marymount.edu or Student Chapter President, Keri Migano, MEd, kem81725@marymount.edu.