Shannon Melideo, PhD

Academic Credentials

PhD. Educational Leadership and Management, American University;

Graduate certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders, James Madison University;

Post-Masters, Elementary Principalship, Indiana University of Pennsylvania;

MEd Reading, Kutztown University;

BS Elementary Education, Lock Haven University


Dr. Shannon Melideo has dedicated her entire career to the education profession. Dr. Melideo is a professor of practice in the School of Education in the College of Health and Education at Marymount University in Virginia, USA. She currently serves as a teaching faculty member and a Lead Doctoral Faculty Mentor for students in the EdD program. Throughout her career, she has presented and collaborated extensively on schoolwide, districtwide, campuswide, statewide, national, and international committees, research projects, and task forces. She taught grades 1, 3, 4, 5, ESOL grades K-5, music grades K-8, and 7th-12th grade biology in high needs schools. She has served as a mentor teacher, cooperating teacher, elementary administrator, and district coordinator of ESOL. On the university level, she has served as university department chairperson, supervisor, and associate dean. She recently returned to the elementary classroom as a lead teacher, and was nominated as teacher of the year thrice at her school. Outside of the world of education, Dr. Melideo enjoys traveling, reading, and dancing.

Teaching Areas 

literacy, collaboration, special education

Research Interests

Her current research interests are in teacher impacts on cultural competence and inclusivity and collaborative leadership.


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Peg Dispenzieri, PhD

Academic Credentials

Ph.D. Education: K-12 Learning, Walden University; M.Ed. Education, Indiana Wesleyan University; B.S. Biology, John Carroll University


Dr. Peg Dispenzieri has served in Catholic education for 30+ years, beginning as a middle/high school biology teacher and then principal before accepting her current position as superintendent of Catholic schools for the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana.
As superintendent, Dr. Dispenzieri works closely with 20 schools across the diocese to support administrators and teachers in their mission of education and faith formation. She has been part of the adjunct faculty at Marymount University since 2008. Dr. Dispenzieri is also a pastoral musician—piano, organ, and guitar—and is blessed to regularly accompany liturgical celebrations at her church and schools.

Teaching Areas

Advanced Curriculum and Instruction for Educational Leadership

Research Interests

Catholic School leadership, Governance structure in Catholic schools, teacher and staff retention



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Paula Cristina Azevedo, PhD

Academic Credentials

Ph.D in Education, George Mason University; M.A. in Teaching, University of San Francisco; M.A. in Asia Pacific Studies, University of San Francisco; B.A. in History, San Jose State University


Dr. Azevedo has worked in the field of education for over 15 years with a variety of experiences and expertise. She started her career as a high school social studies teacher. Prior to joining Marymount University, Dr. Azevedo was the Clinical Coordinator for Secondary Education at George Mason University where she collaborated with faculty, local school administrators and teacher leaders while coordinating placements for teacher candidates. As a teacher educator she’s taught numerous courses, supervised, and advised teacher candidates. In addition to her experience in teaching, Dr. Azevedo has supported national research projects about teacher effectiveness and consulted on local school districts’ research projects and initiatives. She is also the founder of The Meditating Teacher where she creates and writes about mindfulness practices for educators and school leaders. In her spare time she enjoys relaxing with her family, gardening, practicing yoga, and walking with her dog, Zoé.

Teaching Areas


Research Interests

Teacher Education; Mindfulness in education; Clinical experiences in teacher education programs; Diversity in education


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Jessica Marotta

Academic Credentials

B.A. in History, State University of New York at Binghamton; M.S. in Secondary Education, St. John’s University; Ed.D. in Educational Administration, St. John’s University


Jessica Marotta has dedicated her passion for teaching for over twenty-five years in the education profession. She has taught secondary social studies, been a department chairperson, district coordinator, assistant principal, central office instructional coordinator, and university supervisor for student teachers. She is currently an assistant professor and coordinates accreditation efforts for the School of Education. She has presented at numerous educational conferences on assessment, video self-analysis for teacher development, and teacher reflection. She strives to make her classes engaging, thought-provoking, and challenging to help prepare future teachers for the increasingly exciting challenges of the profession. She believes in teaching the power of relationships when working with students to help build a supportive and nurturing learning environment where all feel included, welcomed, and encouraged to strive to be the best versions of themselves. Hobbies include reading non-fiction to learn more about our history, our path forward, and how the teaching profession can continually seek to work on making great strides towards equity for all.

Teaching Areas

Secondary Education Teaching Methods; Introduction to the Teaching Profession

Research Interests

Pre-service teacher professional development, teacher reflection, and assessment.



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Sr. Mary Patricia Earl, IHM, PhD

Academic Credentials

PhD, Educational Leadership, George Mason University; MA, English, Villanova University; BA, English, Dunbarton College of Holy Cross


Sr. Patricia is a member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM), Malvern, PA. Prior to receiving her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership and coming to Marymount, Sister Patricia Earl taught in Catholic schools on the elementary and secondary level, served as an elementary principal, and was Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Arlington for 13 years. Sr. Patricia has published several papers and given numerous presentations both nationally and internationally on the subject of faith formation, Catholic education, Catholic Identity, and related topics. She is also the author of two books: Building the Builders: Faith Formation in Virtue (in its second edition) and Faith Formation of the Laity in Catholic Schools: The Influence of Virtues and Spirituality Seminars. She also contributed a chapter, “Challenges to faith formation in contemporary Catholic schooling in the USA; Problem and Response” in the International Handbook of Catholic Education: Challenges for School Systems in the 21st century. In 2016, Sr. Patricia received the Ex Corde Ecclesiae Award from the Arlington Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry. She recently completed a certificate in Spiritual Direction through Franciscan University and enjoys working with people in the various dimensions of her life. Her most recent book, Building the Builders: Faith Formation in Prayer – A Journey with Jesus through Mary, was published in 2020 by the National Catholic Educational Association. In 2003, Sr. Patricia became the Director of the Catholic School Leadership Program. In her spare time, she enjoys listening to music, playing the piano, reading, and taking walks especially with the convent’s senior rescue Shih Tzu dog, Shadow!

Teaching Areas

Administration of Catholic Schools, Issues in Catholic Education

Research Interests

Faith Formation of the laity in Catholic schools, Character Education and Developing Virtue Programs in the schools, Catholic school leadership topics, teacher spirituality



Earl, P.H. (2021). Building Catholic Identity Starts with the Hiring Process. Presentation given at the National Catholic Education Association Earl, P.H. (2021). Catholic Identity and the Spiritual Role of the Catholic School Principal. Presentation to the Arlington Diocesan Leadership Academy. […]

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Clara Hauth, PhD

Academic Credentials

Doctor of Philosophy in Education, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (Special Education major, Educational Leadership: minor); Master of Education in Special Education; George Mason University; Bachelor of Arts, Communication; Pennsylvania State University


Dr. Clara Hauth joined Marymount in 2014. Her academic experience includes teaching both graduate and undergraduate online instruction at George Mason University and James Madison University. Prior to her work at Marymount, she spent 5 years in the broadcasting industry, training and leading teams in program content, and 10 years as a secondary special education teacher and chair leading teacher training. She serves as a liaison with state and national programs supporting students with disabilities and is an active member of AERA, ASCD, CEC, and divisions CCBD, CLD, DISES and TED. She serves as the president elect for the DISES board, collaborating with global educational organizations. Dr. Hauth’s transformational leadership in preparing teachers and administrators for careers in the critical field of special education is noted through her co-authored book The Survival Guide for New Special Education Teachers. Her research agenda includes, interventions in schools, teacher and school leadership, and global education.
In 2020 she became Program Coordinator for the EdD in Educational Leadership and Organizational Innovation.

Teaching Areas

Educational Leadership; Special Education Methods

Research Interests

My research focuses on four main areas: (a) educational leadership and organizational innovation, (b) experiential learning practices to prepare teachers for a career as special educators, (c) high impact and evidence based interventions regarding literacy skills (i.e., writing, reading, and math) of students with high-incidence disabilities, and (d) contributing to the research base on interprofessional learning(IPE), with culturally responsive/international educational practices both here and abroad.


Jez, R., Hauth, C. & Ramers, L. (2020). Transforming Educators in the United States and South Africa: An International Collaboration to Enhance Culturally Responsive Inclusive Practices. (manuscript submitted) Journal of International Special Needs Education. Council for Exceptional Children. Hauth, C., Cuenca-Carlino, Y., Mills, S., Creighton-Thompson, C., Allen-Bronaugh, D. (2019). Learning to SURF: Teachers and Researchers Creating Partnerships for Success. The Teacher Educators’ Journal, (12, 73-92). Mastropieri, M., Scruggs, T. & Hauth C. (2017) Special education teacher preparation. In J. M. Kauffman, D.P. Hallahan & P.C. Pullen (Eds.) The Handbook of Special Education (2nd ed.) (pp. 40-52). Taylor & Francis Ltd. Cuenca-Carlino, Y., Freeman-Green, S., Stephenson, G. & Hauth, C. (2016). Self-regulated strategy development instruction for teaching multi-step equations to middle school students struggling in math. The Journal of Special Education. August 2016 50: 75-85, first published on December 23, 2015 DOI: 10.1177/0022466915622021 Creighton Thompson, C. & Hauth, C., (2015). The Survival guide for NEW special education teachers. Council for Exceptional Children.

PRESENTATIONS: Hauth, C. (2021). Culturally Responsive Teaching: Building Connections to Enhance Interculturality. Conference presentation at Marymount Barranquilla, MEGA GEL Virtual PD and Research Day, Barranquilla, Columbia. Jez, R. , Osborne, K. & Hauth, C. (2021). Educators Coming Together to Empower Learners, Families, and Teachers to Develop Culturally Sustainable Transition Planning Tool During COVID-19. Conference presentation MICO University Virtual Research Day, Kingston Jamaica. Hauth, C. & Thompson-Martin, C. (2021). Building Communities of Practice: Strengthening Induction Programs to Support the Needs of New Special Education Teachers. Pre-conference workshop for the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, CEC Virtual Conference. Hauth, C., Gray, J. & Lado, A. (2021). Collaborative Exchange and Community Engagement: Building Collaborative Literacy Communities with Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers in Panama and the United States. Presentation with Q & A session for the Council for Exceptional Children Virtual Conference. Bronaugh, D., Hauth, C., Creighton- Martin, C. & Cuenca-Carlino, Y. (2021). Learning to SURF: Teachers and Researchers Creating Partnerships for Success. Presentation with Q & A session for the Council for Exceptional Children Virtual Conference. Kealy, M., Hauth C., Jez, R., Tamakloe, D. & Evmenova, A. (2021). DISES Showcase: Global Engagement and Impact: Supporting ALL Learners in an Inclusive Society. Division Panel Presentation with Q & A session for the Council for Exceptional Children Virtual Conference. Creighton-Martin, C., Hauth, C. & Allen-Bronaugh, D. (2021). How to Teach a Self-Regulatory Strategy Development (SRSD) Strategy for Solving Multi-Step Equations: Videos For Distance Learning During COVID-19. Presentation for the Council for Exceptional Children Virtual Conference. Jez R., Hauth C. & Ramers, L. (2021). Teaching Implicit Bias to Address “Savior” Mentality Within Critical International Educational Experiences. Presentation with Q & A session for the Council for Exceptional Children Virtual Conference. Hauth, C. & Thompson-Martin, C. (2020). Thriving as a New Special Education Teacher: How to Dot the I’s and Cross the T’s in the IEP Process Pre-conference workshop for the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Portland, OR. Jez R., Hauth C. & Ramers, L. (2019). Decolonizing Global Education TK-12: Using Changemaking to Ignite Teacher Education in the United States and South Africa . NAME Conference, Tuscon, AZ. Hauth, C. (2019) Integrating Global Interprofessional Education (IPE) with Pre-service Teaching Programs. Presentation with Q & A session for the DISES International Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica. Jez, R., Hauth. C. & Talbot, C. (2019) Using Changemaking to Promote Inclusivity in Jamaica. Presentation with Q & A session for the DISES International Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica. Dalton, K., Hauth, C. & Engelhardt, N. (2019) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Critical Reflexive Practice: Guiding Agents of Change on a Global Stage”, Presentation at Beyond Borders and Boundaries: Bridging Theory and Practice in Creating Social Good, San Diego, California. Hauth, C. & Thompson-Martin, C. (2019). Administrators & Mentors: Enhancing the Success of New Special Education Teachers. Pre-conference workshop for the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Hauth, C. & Thompson-Martin, C. (2019). New Teachers: Thriving your first years with the Survival Guide for New Special Education Teachers, Presentation with Q&A Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Hauth, C., (2019). Building Culturally Responsive Practices with Interprofessional Education (IPE) in Global Service Learning Projects. Presentation with Q & A for Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Indianapolis, IN. […]

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Ana Lado, PhD

Academic Credentials

Ph.D. Applied Linguistics 1991, Georgetown University Title VII Fellowship; M.S. Applied Linguistics with Concentration in Language and Cognition, Georgetown U. University Title VII Traineeship; B.S. Applied Linguistics 1977, Georgetown University, Spanish minor


Dr. Ana Lado develops and conducts workshops in school districts in the United States as well as abroad. She is an English Language Specialist with the U.S. State Department. In that capacity, she developed the English content and training for the internationally awarded Interactive Radio Instruction project Broadclass – Listen to Learn. This project provides access to education to a significant number of marginalized communities in the remotest and poorest areas of Pakistan. She developed a School of Education summer camp in which teacher candidates practice science, language arts, and character education, 3E: Explore, Enrich, Enjoy. In her free time, she enjoys vegetable gardening, bird watching, and writing children’s picture books in English and Spanish.

Teaching Areas

Teaching English as a Second Language k-12; Teaching Reading; Research Projects

Research Interests

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Foreign Languages (TESOL, TEFL); Materials Development in TESOL and TEFL; Interactive Radio Instruction in Pakistan; Using Picture Books to Teach English


Teaching Beginner ELLs with Picture books: Tellability (2012) Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin/Sage. Communicative English: The Lado Series Revised 1-6. (2018) Series with Lado International Institute.

PRESENTATIONS: Collaborative exchange and community engagement: Building collaborative literacy communities with pre-service and in-service teachers in Panama and the U.S. CEC 2021 L.I.V.E. March 8-13, 2021 with Dr. Gray and Dr. Hauth. Principles and Practices in TEFL for Children Virtual Training Day, February 27, 2021. Lado International Institute, Arlington, VA. […]

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Elizabeth Langran

Academic Credentials

PhD in Instructional Technology, University of Virginia; MAT Trinity University; BA Villanova University


Elizabeth Langran, Ph.D., taught secondary and post-secondary students in the United States, Morocco (as a Peace Corps volunteer), and Switzerland before pursuing her Ph.D. in Instructional Technology at the University of Virginia. Since 2003 she has been educating and mentoring pre- and in-service teachers. Collaborative projects tapping her educational technology work have taken her to many international locations, including Nicaragua, India, Central Asia, Senegal, South Africa, Botswana, Bermuda, China, and most recently, Uganda, as part of Marymount’s partnership with Uganda REACH (formerly the Arlington Academy of Hope). Elizabeth is currently serving a 3-year term as the President of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Elizabeth loves to travel; you can follow her on Twitter @elangran (link:

Teaching Areas

Educational Technology; Cross-cultural/International Curricula; Secondary Methods

Research Interests

Geospatial Technology; Global Citizenship; Place-based learning; Mobile Learning, digital equity


Langran, E. & DeWitt, J. (2020). Navigating Place-Based Learning: Mapping for a Better World. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Langran, E. & Alibrandi, M. (2019). Integrating biography-based video in a multiplatform approach to teach historical thinking. The Teacher Educators’ Journal 12(1), 50-72.

Langran, E. & Langran, I. (2016). Technology’s role in global citizenship education. In Langran, I. & Birk, T. (Eds.), Globalization and global citizenship: Interdisciplinary approaches (pp. 56-68).

New York: Routledge,  Guilbaud, P., Bubar, E., & Langran, E. (July, 2021). “STEM Excellence and Equity in K-12 Settings: Use of Educational Experiences Based on Augmented Reality to Promote Academic Achievement and Learner Success.” Presented at International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. […]

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Lisa A. Turissini, EdD

Academic Credentials

EdD, Nova Southeastern University; MBA, St. John’s University; BS, St. John’s University; Virginia teaching licensure in secondary English; Additional graduate coursework, George Mason University


Dr. Lisa Turissini spent 15 years as a teacher, school principal, and executive vice president of schools for a non-profit organization. As president of an educational consulting company, she conducted staff and faculty leadership development, evaluated educational programs, and developed curricula. Lisa (aka Dr. T.) joined Marymount University in 2004 as an adjunct professor and University Supervisor of student teachers. She was the Education Coordinator for the MEd cohort at Marymount’s Reston Center from 2007-2012. In 2013, she joined the full-time faculty as chair of the education department. In 2020, Lisa was appointed Director of the new School of Education in the College of Health and Education.
Lisa is dedicated to preparing the most effective and passionate educators and innovative leaders who are able to serve today’s diverse communities. She teaches and advises both UG and GRAD students. She oversees the teacher preparation programs’ accreditation through the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the Virginia Department of Education’s (VDOE) licensure processes and is a CAEP site visitor and VDOE licensing agent. In her spare time, she loves baking, the beaches of Aruba, spending time with her family, and cheering on her favorite baseball team!

Teaching Areas

Pre-service Teacher Preparation; Literacy Across the Curriculum; Leadership Development

Research Interests

Peer Coaching in the Professoriate; Educational Leadership; Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

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Marymount University