Jacquelyn Rische

Academic Credentials

B.A., Whittier College
M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Irvine


Dr. Jacquelyn Rische earned her Ph.D. in Mathematics at University of California, Irvine. She joined the Marymount University faculty in 2017. Prior to coming to Marymount, Dr. Rische was a visiting assistant professor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and Hamilton College.

At Marymount, Dr. Rische enjoys teaching a variety of Mathematics courses, ranging from Statistics and Calculus, to the upper-level major courses. Her research is in mathematical modeling. She focuses on mathematically modeling language learning and on agent-based modeling.

Other Information

Teaching Area

  • Statistics
  • Calculus
  • Applied Math Courses
  • Proof-based Courses

Research Interests

  • Mathematical Modeling of Language Learning
  • Agent-Based Modeling


  • Rische, J.L. and Komarova, N.L. (2016). Regularization of languages by adults and children: a mathematical framework. Cognitive Psychology, 84: 1-30.


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Alice Petillo

Academic Credentials

B.A., M.Ed., University of Maryland
M.A.R., Westminster Theological Seminary
Ph.D., George Mason University


Dr. Alice E. Petillo conducts research in the area of mathematics education. She earned her Ph.D. at George Mason University and holds a Virginia Postgraduate Professional License in Mathematics and Spanish. She has long-term experience teaching mathematics at the secondary and undergraduate levels.

Dr. Petillo is particularly interested in helping pre-service teachers students develop a positive relationship with mathematics and experience its beauty, power, and utility. She conducts research on the transformative power of out-of-classroom informal learning events such as STEM Festivals. She has presented and written about the results of her research at local and international meetings.

Dr. Petillo is committed to helping students develop a positive relationship with mathematics and experience its beauty, power, and utility. Having developed two courses using a co-requisite model, she conducts research to demonstrate its effectiveness in improving college retention and graduation rates. She engages in cross-curricular approaches, in the past having designed a university-wide Math, Art, Fashion event. She currently collaborates with the nursing program to support mandated math proficiency. She is a regular presenter at regional and international conferences sharing teaching resources, activities and educational tools. Her mission is to support students having experiences with current applications of mathematical topics in their undergraduate classes

Teaching Area

  • Statistical Analysis
  • Geometry
  • History of Mathematics

Research Interests

  • Cross-curricular Applications of Mathematics
  • Co-requisite Remediation
  • Informal Learning


Valcourt, M, Smith D, Petillo, A., and Caufield, E. (2023) Improving Nursing Student’s Confidence with Dosage. Calculation After Implantation of a Comprehensive Teaching Strategy. Int J Nurs Health Care Res 6: 1447. DOI: 10.29011/2688-9501.101447

Anuszkiewicz, M. and Petillo, A. Remedial Mathematics: Speed Bump or Access Ramp for College Completion? (2022) Co-requisite Remediation: An Access Ramp for College Completion, PRIMUS, DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2022.2073622

Peercy, M. M., Alkandil, D., Caufman, R., Hudson, S., Lane, S., Petillo, A. E., Reeves, E., & Sonnier, A. (2018). “Standing in a messy sandpit”: The learning side of self-study research, pp. 259-273. In Ritter, J. K., Lunenberg, M., Pithouse-Morgan, K., Samaras, A. P., & Vanassche, E., (Eds.) Teaching, learning, and enacting self-study research.  Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.


Refereed Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Valcourt, M., Petillo, A., Smith, D., Caulfield, El, Fluellen, K., Drapp, J. (2021, October 21-22). BSN Nursing Students’ from a Hispanic Student Serving Institution’s Confidence Levels with Medication Dosage Calculations after the Implementation of a Comprehensive Teaching Strategy, 12th Annual McGinley-Rice Symposium: The Face of the Person who is Poor.

Petillo, A. E. and Kasparian, R. J. (2017). Introducing the Kasparian Constructions. In Swart, D., Séquin, C., & Fenyvesi, K. (Eds.). Proceedings 2017 Bridges Waterloo: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. Paper presented at the 2017 Bridges Waterloo: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture (pp. 511-514). Phoenix, AZ:  Tessellations Publishing.

Petillo, A. E. (2015). Connecting with the Sierpinski Tetrahedron. In Bosch, R., McKenna, D., & Sarhangi, R. (Eds.). Proceedings 2015 Bridges Baltimore: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. Paper presented at the 2015 Bridges Baltimore: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. (pp.589-592). Phoenix, AZ:  Tessellations Publishing.

Suh, J., Seshaiyer, P., Apollon, M., Gerasimova, D., King, L., Matson, K. and Petillo, A. (2015) Implementing the core teaching practices to make mathematical thinking visible using student-generated models. In Bartell, T. G., Bieda, K. N., Putnam, R. T., Bradfield, K., & Dominguez, H. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Paper presented at the Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter. (pp. 1165-1168). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

Other publications

2019 Association for Women in Mathematics newsletter pages 24-25 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eQCI-H-12Tj7j3Iq78SeTy1INkoTa_g3/view

2019 MAA Focus magazine News article June/July 2019 page 12 http://digitaleditions.walsworthprintgroup.com/publication/?i=591769#{“issue_id”:591769,”view”:”contentsBrowser”}

2019 MAA Reviews (dated 10/13/2019). Book review: Hollings, Martin and Rice. Ada Lovelace: The Making of a Computer Scientist. Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, 2018 128 pages https://www.maa.org/press/maa-reviews/ada-lovelace-the-making-of-a-computer-scientist

2019 MAA Reviews (dated 5/19/2019). Book review: Bongiorno, Benedetto and Curbera, Guillermo P. Giovanni Battista Guccia. Springer International Publishing, 2017 301 pages https://www.maa.org/press/maa-reviews/giovanni-battista-guccia

Professional Affliations

Mathematical Association of America MAA

  • Special Interest Group on History of Mathematics (SIGMAA-HOM)
  • Special Interest Group on Math and the Arts (SIGMAA-ARTS)

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics NCTM

Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Link to CV […]

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Michelle Walters-Edwards

Academic Credentials

Ph.D, B.Sc. Hons.


A native of England in the United Kingdom, Dr. Michelle Walters-Edwards has been a full-time faculty member within Marymount’s Health and Human Performance Department since 2005.

Dr. Walters-Edwards has worked as a research scientist at the National Centre for Sports Injury Surgery in the U.K. Previous research interests include the quantification of neuromuscular and sensory control of the knee joint using a novel method of assessment (magnetic stimulation) in both recreational and elite athletes prior to and following an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) as well as during conditions of fatigue and muscle damage. Dr. Walters-Edwards has served as a special volunteer at the National Institutes of Health, Physical Disabilities Branch of Rehabilitation Medicine and has conducted human performance assessments with D.C. United of Major League Soccer.

Current research projects include exercise and nutrition as an intervention for both adult and childhood obesity.

Other credentials

Member, American College of Sports Medicine (A.C.S.M); Candidate for American College of Sports Medicine, Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist Certification

Teaching Area

  • Exercise Physiology (HPR 202)
  • Intro to Exercise Sciences (HPR 201)
  • Health Assessment (HPR 302)
  • Intro to Sports Medicine (HPR 260).

Research Interests

  • Neuromuscular performance of the lower limb
  • Prevention of ACL injury in female athletes
  • Prevention and reversal of childhood obesity
  • Human performance of elite athletes


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James Ryerson

Academic Credentials

B.A., St. Lawrence University
M.B.A., Clarkson University
Doctoral Studies, The George Washington University


James “Jim” Ryerson served as the Dean of the School of Business Administration from 2006 to 2017. During this time of transition from the “Blue Goose” building to the new Ballston Center, the School saw significant growth in the BBA and Technology programs.

Professor Ryerson came to Marymount in 1982 as a marketing professor where he created and taught courses in Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research, and International Marketing. He was the Chair of the Management and Marketing Department from 1996 to 2006 and in 2005 was the inaugural recipient of the University’s Robert A. Draghi Outstanding Faculty Award.

In 2020, in addition to his teaching responsibilities, he became the first Director of the School of Business within the College of Business, Ideation, Leadership, and Technology (BILT).


Teaching Area

  • Marketing
  • Business



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Marymount University