Your senior year of high school does matter — here’s why

Your senior year of high school does matter — here's why

  Congratulations! You have finally made it to your senior year of high school. It’s time to kick back, relax and enjoy, right? False. Don’t get us wrong, senior year is meant to be fun — with parties, picnics, class bonding and dreaming about the future. But it’s not the time to take your foot […]

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6 things to do the summer before your senior year of high school

6 things to do the summer before your senior year of high school

Temperatures are rising, trees are lush with green leaves and summer vacation will begin very soon! Summer is the time of year most high school students spend the other nine months wishing for, but early and mid-May can often be the worst time as you’re overwhelmed with papers to write and exams to take.  But […]

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5 ways to avoid senioritis during your last year of high school

5 ways to avoid senioritis during your last year of high school

  You’ve almost made it. The end of your high school career is in sight, and you’ve got just one year left to prepare for all the ways you’re going to conquer that upcoming four-year college experience. But you’ve got one difficult (and maybe unexpected) challenge to overcome. You’ve probably heard of this challenge before […]

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3 ways to avoid stress during the fall of your high school senior year

3 ways to avoid stress during the fall of your high school senior year

  If you are anything like the vast majority of high school seniors, chances are you’re in high-stress mode right about now. The path leading to graduation can feel like an obstacle course — you’re leaping over midterms and exams, wading through college applications and possibly scrambling through a final SAT test. The sheer multitude […]

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3 ways to start preparing for your final year of high school

3 ways to start preparing for your final year of high school

  Dear rising high school senior — after three years of dedicated schoolwork, you’re on the cusp of your senior year! Congratulations are in order, but now is not the time to rest on your laurels. It’s time to prepare for the upcoming year, and the next four after that as well! You’ve probably already […]

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Marymount University