President Becerra shares innovations with international audience at USAID

President Becerra shares lessons and MU innovations with USAID

  Late last month, Marymount University President Irma Becerra spoke at the Institute of International Education in Washington, D.C., where she shared her thoughts with university presidents and vice chancellors from across the world on how to build long-term institutional ties and university partnerships with innovation. She also reflected on her journey from growing up […]

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Presidential Leadership Fellows Program aims to grow top talent at MU

Presidential Leadership Fellows Program aims to grow top talent at MU

  This month, nine staff and faculty members at Marymount University were accepted into the inaugural Presidential Leadership Fellows Program, a first-of-its-kind program at the institution which aims to further develop the leadership skills of manager-level employees. Sponsored by the Office of the President, it demonstrates a deep commitment to retaining and maximizing the talent […]

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Pres. Becerra named to Virginia Business 2022 Women in Leadership list

Pres. Becerra named to Virginia Business 2022 Women in Leadership list

  This week, Marymount University President Dr. Irma Becerra was recognized by Virginia Business in its 2022 Women in Leadership Awards, which identify female executives in the Commonwealth who have excelled in their careers and are paving the way for other women to follow in their footsteps. In the second year of the Awards, Virginia […]

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President Becerra advocates for Dreamers on DACA’s 10th anniversary

President Becerra advocates for Dreamers on DACA’s 10th anniversary

  Yesterday on Capitol Hill, #WithDACA – a coalition of the American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC), Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), TheDream.US,, National Immigration Law Center (NILC), Pre-Health Dreamers, Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration and United We Dream – marked the 10th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) […]

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Letter from President Becerra: Marymount stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine

Marymount stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine

  The message below was sent by Marymount University President Irma Becerra to students, staff, faculty and Board of Trustees members on Friday, February 25. Dear Marymount Community,   Over the last few days, the world has witnessed an aggressive and unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, sparking a conflict that may result in the largest […]

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Letter from President Becerra on keeping MU community safe through emergency procedures for potential crises

Letter from President Becerra on keeping MU community safe through emergency procedures for potential crises

  The message below was sent by Marymount University President Irma Becerra to students, staff, faculty and Board of Trustees members on Wednesday, February 2. Dear Marymount Community, Today, our flags at the North Glebe Road entrance to Main Campus are at half-staff in honor of the campus police officer and campus security officer who […]

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President Becerra calls on doctoral fellows to overcome obstacles, diversify academia

President Becerra calls on doctoral fellows to overcome obstacles, diversify academia

  “I owe all of my career success to higher education. It is the ‘great equalizer,’ and offered a pathway to the American Dream for this Cuban refugee. That’s why I’m so passionate about increasing higher education access for all – because it can also offer you that same pathway today.” Marymount University President Irma […]

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President Becerra advocates for legislative solution to DACA at White House

MU President Irma Becerra, center, advocates for a legislative solution to DACA with TheDream.US cofounder Donald Graham and Miriam Feldblum of the Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education & Immigration

  Following a Texas Federal District Court decision that partially suspended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Marymount University President Irma Becerra joined a coalition of educational, business and community leaders on a “Week of Action” to highlight the urgent need for immigration solutions. Organized by the American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC), which […]

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New Chief of Staff appointed for MU’s Office of the President

Shelli Dronsfield appointed as new Chief of Staff in Marymount University's Office of the President

  Shelli Dronsfield, a longtime administrator and leader in higher education, has been appointed as Marymount University’s new Chief of Staff within the Office of the President. She will begin her duties on Friday, July 30. In this role, Dronsfield will assist in providing leadership and oversight for the University’s day-to-day functions. As Chief of […]

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President Becerra responds to Wednesday’s violence at the U.S. Capitol

U.S. Capitol Photo

  The following message was sent to Marymount students, faculty, staff and trustees on Thursday. Dear Marymount Community, Like many of you, I was shocked and horrified as I followed what took place yesterday on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol – known across the world not just as the meeting place for the legislative […]

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Marymount University