Study Abroad

Study abroad programs are fully integrated into the political science and international relations curriculum. Students at Marymount are strongly encouraged (although not required) to take their study of political science and international relations global, through coursework and field experiences at any of a number of partner institutions abroad. Some experiences are as brief as one week, others last up to two full semesters. See Marymount’s Study Abroad Office for more details.

Study Abroad
Politics of Global Security course, trip to the United Arab Emirates

Semester Programs

Students who travel abroad for a semester or more may complete coursework that meets some of the requirements for the liberal arts core and for the major, so students who complete one or more full semesters abroad have no additional difficulty graduating on time. The study abroad office has over one hundred programs to choose from, and we encourage students to meet with a study abroad advisor to discuss their options. Here are some highlights as examples of the programs that are available. Students should meet with a study abroad advisor well before the application deadlines.

International Relations – Oxford, UK

Summer sessions

Geopolitics, International Relations, and the Future of the Middle East – Amman, Jordan

Fall and spring sessions

Social and Political Transformation – South Africa

Fall sessions

International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy – Geneva, Switzerland

Summer sessions

History, Culture & Politics – Prague, Czech Republic

Fall and spring sessions

Korea University – Seoul, South Korea

Fall, spring, and summer sessions

Migration, Borders, and Transnational Communities – Mexico

Spring sessions


Here are some examples of Political Science and International Relations students who spent a full semester abroad:

Study Abroad

Carla Clavell – Spain. Spring 2017.

“Studying abroad is best decision I’ve ever made! Being in Spain has helped me open my eyes to new things such as language and culture. Since I am taking a Social Justice class, I have been able to appreciate different Europeans’ opinions on current events and see how those correlates with Americans’. I’ve also have the experience to be part of a community service club called “Bocatalk” were student give out “bocadillos,” sandwiches, to the homeless community around the city. This is an important service experience that has helped me grow as a human being and appreciate all my privileges.”

Study Abroad

Zachary Funaro – Italy. Fall 2022.

“I studied abroad in Rome, Italy for four months and for those four months I learned so much and experienced so much. It was genuinely the best time of my life so far. Being in Europe it enabled me to travel to different locations to see and experience other cultures which really broadened my horizons as a world traveler. While in Italy, there was a major election going on so I got to see a little bit of how Italian politics worked, which was very interesting to me as a politics major. I also studied Italian politics and society at John Cabot University which offered some help in understanding how the Italian government works as well as the ongoing election at the time so it was perfect for me. I never look back on my decision to study abroad in Italy and regret it, if I would offer any advice for students who potentially want to study abroad I would simply say just do it, you’ll experience some of the best moments of your life and make lifetime memories!

Study Abroad

Omar Hadi – Jordan. Spring 2024.

“The study abroad program I completed in Jordan this past spring semester has given me a fresh perspective on the region and life. The SIT’s International Relations program in Jordan, based in the capital, Amman, featured high-profile guest lecturers and academics, including former government ministers, NGO volunteers, and political and economic analysts. Living and experiencing the storied culture of Jordan has left its mark on me and has helped shape my perception of the region’s political, economic, and social affairs. The program experience was not limited to the classrooms. It also encouraged a high degree of assimilation into Amman’s fascinating daily life. The knowledge gained in my four-month tenure there is one that I highly recommend to any political science student seeking a deeper understanding of the region coupled with an authentic human experience.”

Study Abroad

Teresa Meli – Italy. Fall 2014.

“During the semester I was able to take courses on Human Rights and Public International Law as well as an on-site class, visiting ancient Roman and early-Christian ruins and monuments up to the time of Mussolini. Having the opportunity to take such courses at an American university in the heart of Rome with an international student body was a privilege as it allowed me not only to enjoy my city but also to meet new people, interact with different perspectives and cultures and appreciate the American university system and all the opportunities it offers students.”

Study Abroad

Vincent Nicosia – United Kingdom. Summer 2013.

“My time at Oxford was definitely one of the highlights of my college career. There I had the opportunity to take two very different classes. The first was a literature seminar that I took with several other Marymount students. The second was a tutorial that I took with an Oxford professor that covered Post-Gulf War weapons inspections in Iraq.In the end, I greatly enjoyed both these classes and I’m certainly glad that I had the opportunity to be a part of this program.”

Study Abroad

Caitlin Pacilio – Australia. Spring 2016

“Living and studying in Sydney for the past six months has been an experience that I will never forget. From taking an American politics class to an Australian history course, I have learned more about another culture from my own than I originally would have thought. Learning and immersing yourself in another culture only broadens your perception of the world around you. Being abroad has also allowed me the ability to travel to other countries such as Indonesia and Singapore. These experiences have led me to become friends with people from all across the world, which gives me comfort knowing that wherever I go I’ll have a friend. Studying abroad is something that not everyone gets the chance to do, and I am glad that I was someone that got that chance.”

Study Abroad

Ellie Sennett – Jordan. Summer 2015.

“My time studying in Jordan is not something that can be fairly captured in words. I took a class on the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict along with an Introduction to Arabic course. Nothing can quite compare to learning about the Israel/Palestine conflict while living minutes from Palestinian refugee camps, or taking your first Arabic course in a country that requires you to practice just in order to make it from your apartment to school every day. Academics aside, I’ve learned the most through my interactions with the people of Amman, something that a Marymount classroom setting just can’t recreate. Studying in the Middle East was so much more than crossing off a few bucket list items like floating in the Dead Sea or riding a camel through Wadi Rum- I truly am grateful because I feel it has better shaped me as a human being.”

Study Abroad

Devin Uriarte – Thailand. Fall 2017.

“When I am asked about my study abroad experience I am often left speechless-not because I don’t know what to say but for the same reason I have re-written this paragraph a hundred times. There just aren’t enough words to accurately explain my time in Thailand. I was able to immerse myself into a completely unfamiliar culture, befriend individuals from all over the world, and travel to beautiful destinations. It may sound cliche of me to say that studying abroad changed my outlook on life and given me a deeper appreciation of everything, but it truly has. Taking courses where I could learn about the various political systems of Southeast Asia and then travel to those countries I was studying was just the hands on experience I needed. I definitely consider Thailand a second home and I would return in a heartbeat.”


Global Classroom series

Several Political Science and International Relations courses give students the chance to complete a short trip abroad as part of a regular semester-long course at Marymount. These courses meet through the fall or spring semester at Marymount and then include an additional set of experiences as the class travels as a group to an international site during either the winter or spring break. Here are some examples from before the Covid pandemic; the program is planning on restarting these courses soon.

POL 240: Global Security
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Last trip: Fall semester, 2016.

In Fall 2016 the class visited the United Arab Emirates for briefings on issues related to regional and global security and meetings with local students and organizations. Course photo album from the last trip.

POL 241: Global Political Economy
Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Last trip: Fall semester, 2017.

Study Abroad

In fall 2017 the class traveled to Southern Vietnam for a week of field experiences at the end of the semester, learning about the politics of globalization firsthand by meeting with workers, entrepreneurs, students, Vietnamese government officials, and American Foreign Service Officers and others working in the country. Course photo album from the last trip.

POL 310: Political Parties and Interest Groups
London, United Kingdom. Last trip: Spring semester, 2019.

In spring 2019 the class visited London for meetings with British political party leaders and activists as part of a comparative exploration of how parties work in the United States and the United Kingdom.

POL 382: Politics of Western Europe
Strasbourg, France. Last trip: Spring semester, 2017.

The course traveled to Strasbourg and Paris, France, for one week of site visits to French and European Union institutions and for meetings with European students and French, European, and American political leaders and diplomats. Course photo album from the last trip.

POL 386: Politics of East Asia
Seoul, South Korea. Last trip: Spring semester 2015.

The course traveled to Seoul to explore Korean politics and culture, with visits to cultural and historical sites, the capital building for a tour, and the Demilitarized Zone, and meetings with university students, student activists, and North Korean refugees. Course photo album from the last trip.