Study Abroad for CJ Students

At Marymount University, we believe very strongly in developing students’ understanding of their place in the larger global community and of how the global context in which we live and work affects our day-to-day existence at the local level.  All of our departments have created innovative study-abroad programs in a variety of formats that allow students to explore the world, develop cultural awareness, learn more about themselves, and apply their course content in a very different environment.  Additionally, through the Center for Global Education, students can apply for study-abroad programs that are run through other institutions; the opportunities are endless!  Click here for more information about our global initiatives.

A Sampling of our Offerings Abroad:

Criminal Justice: 
CJ 209 “The Criminal Justice System” – spring break study tour to the Netherlands to explore comparative justice systems; CJ 314 “Principles of Criminal Investigations” – spring break study tour to Liverpool, England.  Additionally, in CJ 313 “Recognition and Recovery of Human Remains” has a spring break component in Suffolk County, VA, where students work with law enforcement professionals to learn how to engage in grave exhumation.

Students often travel with faculty members to present at the European Branch of the American Counseling Association and, in the process, engage in service and learning opportunities under faculty direction.  Recent trips have been based in Germany and Italy, and the possibility of going to Ireland is being explored.  Additionally, students may take advantage of courses offered through the Forensic and Legal Psychology Department or the Education Department.

Qualified students may complete half of their student teaching semester in Rome, Italy, New Zealand, or Uganda.  Students at both the undergraduate and graduate level have opportunities to complete summer field-based courses in literacy or special education in locations from Costa Rica to Panama through ED 540 “Education Global Service Learning.”  ED 526 “Cross-Cultural/International Curricula” can include a field experience component in Uganda in partnership with the Arlington Academy of Hope, and ED 550 “Research Methodology” often runs with a Ugandan-based field component, again through partnership with Arlington Academy of Hope.  For more information on student teaching abroad, click here. 

Forensic and Legal Psychology: 
FLP 566 “Child Victimization” – this course is often offered on-site in a country in which specific groups of children experience intense victimization (most recently, the course ran in Prague and explored the experience of Roma children); FLP 533 “Psychology of Sexual Violence and Exploitation” – this course is often offered on-site in a country in which sexual exploitation is particularly problematic (most recently, the course ran in Cambodia).  Every other year, FL 598 “Forensic and Legal Psychology Special Topics” runs in London in partnership with London Metropolitan Institute; in the off years, students from LMI come to Marymount.

PSY 496 “Special Topics in Psychology: Primate Field Experience” – This summer study abroad program in Spain focuses on integrating research and service in a global setting. Participants work with international students, scientists, and caregivers at a primate sanctuary to learn about what is being done to rehabilitate physically abused and psychologically traumatized chimpanzees and monkeys

  • Our students have recently participated in…
    • summer study abroad programs at the Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Kenya through our Center for Global Education and at Oxford University through Marymount’s Honors Program.
    • full semester study abroad programs in London (via AIFS and at St. Mary’s University), Scotland (at the University of Dundee), Rome (at John Cabot University), Germany (via IES Programs), and Vietnam (via CET Academic Programs).

Sociology majors take advantage of both short term and long term study abroad opportunities. For example, one sociology major recently completed her internship working in a refugee center in Dublin, Ireland (Fall 2016). In addition, Sociology offers a number of short term Global Classroom courses over spring break.  SOC 261/361 Through the Sociological Lens traveled to Amsterdam. SOC 203 “The Global Village” will travel to San Miquel, El Salvador in Spring 2016.

The honors version of The Global Village runs in conjunction a partner institution in the Netherlands. Students from the U.S. and the Netherlands study the process of globalization and develop intercultural communication skills while collaborating on a series of project that culminate in imagining their ideal “global village.”  The Sociology Department works with other departments to run summer programs in places as diverse as Belize, France and Kenya.