Amira Holland

Class of 2025

amira bio pic


Graphic & Media Design with a minor in Communication


Why did you choose to come to Marymount? What interested you in studying graphic design?

I came to Marymount because I was intrigued by its Graphic & Media Design program, as well as its study abroad opportunities and the ways that Marymount helps students be better prepared for their internships and post-grad opportunities.  

I chose to study Graphic & Media Design specifically because I was really into film throughout high school, but I felt like that major would box me in. After doing some research, I found out that the Graphic & Media Design program at Marymount allowed me to explore digital media in multiple forms. I am really interested in exhibition design, specifically dealing with the graphic design that’s related to museums when you’re looking through the art galleries and different artifacts they have located in the museums and just being able to articulate that information in a pleasing way.    

Has there been a memorable experience during your time at Marymount?

I’ve had a lot of memorable experiences, but I would say my experience as an orientation leader last summer and being able to help freshmen feel welcomed here and help them through the orientation process was truly special.  

Talk about volunteering with the Early Learning Academy.

I originally wanted to major in early education I got my childhood certificate in high school. So, when I found out that Marymount was creating a preschool, I knew I could get my volunteer hours through the Spirit of Service Scholars Program. I also wanted to engage with children, which is something I’ve always been interested in. From this experience, I’ve gained more leadership skills and have become more aware of how I’m presenting myself. 

Amira Holland

What was the root of your interests in photography and film?

It really comes from the National Geographic Kids magazines that my grandma would get me when I was younger. I loved the photography section, where they would zoom in on images and you had to guess what the image was.  

I also love Disney, and I was able to go to the D23 Fan Expo with my family in Anaheim, Calif. The experience of being behind the scenes and learning about the different processes behind how films are made, it’s just a whole magical experience that really got me to be more passionate. 

Can you talk about your involvement in the Honors Program?

I’m starting the process of working on my thesis proposal. In my first tutorials during my sophomore and junior years, I explored representation and how media impacts the image of Black men, as well as how Disney defines femininity relating to female characters in its films. Overall, the honors experience has been cool because I’ve gone towards my interests outside of my major and explored more with professors one-on-one. 

What are your plans for after your graduate? Any important lessons you have learned from your experience at Marymount that you can take with you?

One important lesson I’ve learned here at Marymount is that it’s great to network and build connections that can better prepare yourself for the future. However, it’s also important to be present and have fun. Being part of many organizations here at Marymount and working with ELA has helped ensure that I’m working well but also having fun and enjoying my time here in college. 

When I graduate, I want to get into youth ministry specifically with a creative standpoint, and help the younger generation know more about the gospel and Jesus Christ and express that through social media and digital media designs.