Academic Program Review

Academic program review is a comprehensive evaluation of academic programs led by the faculty to assess the effectiveness of the program and establish an action plan for the next six years. Program review provides an opportunity to take a comprehensive look at an academic program and guide changes in the curriculum, pedagogy, and faculty development by engaging key stakeholders in critical review and discussion. The process is designed to explore how effectively programs:

  1. Offer a curriculum that is comprehensive, relevant, and cohesive and related to the mission
  2. Maintain sufficient enrollment to be a sustainable major at the university
  3. Provide sufficient advisement to program majors
  4. Offer a program in which majors can graduate on a timely basis
  5. Support and prepare its majors for internships and ultimately employment and further education
  6. Ensure appropriate faculty staffing levels and other resources.

In accordance with Marymount’s policy on assessment of academic programs, the university must review academic programs on a periodic basis, generally every six years. The Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (PIE), in consultation with the College Dean, Provost, and Provost’s Council, coordinates the schedule of reviews and notifies programs when they are scheduled for review. Programs may request an alteration of their scheduled review when circumstances warrant it, usually to align with accreditation reporting. The provost may also initiate unscheduled reviews in exceptional circumstances.

PIE works with offices across campus to make data available for programs undergoing review.  In addition, PIE provides advice, consultation and assistance as needed on many aspects of the program review process, including facilitating planning meetings, developing action plans, and providing assistance in survey design.

Program Review Guide
Program Review Guide 
This guide provides important information and guidance to programs as they prepare for and conduct program reviews. Template

Program Review Checklist Rubric
Program faculty can use this rubric to ensure that they have addressed all of the required components of the program review.