Performance Evaluations

Performance evaluations are an important component of employee development and are a mechanism for creating and maintaining ongoing communication between the supervisor and the employee to ensure that the employee is successful in their role

For more information read the Performance Evaluations Policy.

Introductory (Probation) Period

Each new hired full-time staff employee and current full-time staff employees who move into a new position, is appointed in an introductory status for the first ninety (90) days of his/her employment. A period in which managers monitor and evaluate the new employee’s performance.

Sixty (60) days after the employee’s start date a Task will be sent in Workday to the Manager to complete the review.  The Manager has 30 days to complete it.  If the final score is Needs Improvement (extend probation period), or Does Not Meet (end employment), the Manager must contact Human Resources before moving forward.

Introductory 90-day Review Resources:

 Managing performance means having an on-going conversation about performance with your employees.

Annual Review Process

Performance Evaluations

What You Need to Know

  • The annual review cycle reflects the performance period of July 1, – June 30,.
  • University-wide annual reviews currently apply to Staff.
  • There are two (2) versions of the annual evaluation form: (1) Leaders (individuals that supervise other staff); and (2) Individual Contributors (Staff).
  • The final deadline to complete & submit evaluations, updated position descriptions and goals in Workday is September 30.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is the process of identifying and assessing goals that the supervisor and the employee want to achieve. Having a high performing culture means ensuring performance goals are aligned. When you engage employees in their work through goal alignment, you create greater employee ownership in Marymount’s ultimate success; together, we become more committed to our mission, values and achieve higher levels of job performance.

Annual Review Resources

Part-time Employees

Part-time employees are not required to have 90-day or Annual Reviews.  If the manager would like to review, use the paper form and submit to Human Resources when completed to add to the employee’s record in Workday.

Performance Appraisal Short Form and Part-Time Employee

Rating Scale

Outstanding = 5

Consistently exceeds performance objectives and is recognized by peers and/or customers as a leader and positive example for others.  Makes significant contributions well beyond normal job responsibilities on a consistent basis.

Exceptional = 4 

Consistently meets and occasionally exceeds job performance objectives on a regular basis, making valuable contributions to the company.

Satisfactory = 3  

Consistently meets but does not exceed performance objectives.  Fully competent and is performing the job as expected.

Needs Improvement = 2

Does not adequately accomplish objectives nor fulfill all responsibilities; must improve within a designated period of time.  Or, new to the position and tasks presently assigned are adequately performed as expected.

Unsatisfactory = 1

Results are unacceptable, well below expectations, and require immediate improvement.  Does not accomplish most or all position objectives.


Unable to evaluate.  This may apply if a goal was delayed, or you are a new supervisor and cannot reasonably rate your employee.