WDVM: Marymount University vaccinates 1,100 people against COVID-19

COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Marymount


A recent Marymount University poll found 80 to 90% of students and faculty are willing to be vaccinated against COVID-19. On Wednesday, 1,100 students, faculty, and even family and community members were vaccinated at a clinic with the help of the National Guard.

They’ll be back in three weeks for their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and if they’re not in town, Marymount has partnered with Safeway to vaccinate off-campus. The inoculation campaign is one of many ways the university is fighting COVID-19, which also includes surveillance testing, mandatory mask-wearing, and a hybrid learning model.

90% of students returned to campus this spring. “We are planning a back-to-normal campus in the fall and this is a big step forward in helping us accomplish that plan,” said President Irma Becerra.

“I travel a lot. I travel back home and I want to be safe while I’m traveling,” said senior Ana Schneider Jerez. “And also around school, I hope everyone can get it and we can once again have a social life — just be back together.”

Read the original article and watch the video report on WDVM’s website.