WJLA/ABC7: Marymount University becomes COVID vaccine distribution site

COVID-19 vaccine clinic at MU


Mario Keller lives in Arlington and came to Marymount University in Arlington for a long awaited COVID-19 vaccine.

Twenty-one-year-old Dylan Mintzer majors in Information Technology at the school. As an asthmatic, he’s concerned about how contracting COVID could affect his body.

“It’s been pretty frightening. I actually had it last year but luckily, I was asymptomatic; but there’s always the chance of getting it again,” he said.

The one-day clinic at Marymount provided more than 1,100 Pfizer vaccines that were distributed by members of the National Guard.

“This is the first time we’ve set up a mass vaccination site here at Marymount. It’s an effort to really try to get as many vaccinations in arms in one day,” said Dr. Irma Becerra, President of Marymount University.

The undertaking comes as Virginia makes shots available to people 16 and older and Governor Ralph Northam reminds younger residents that they too, need to be vaccinated.

“Vaccinating college-age students is really helpful being as though they’re spreading it a lot. So, I think getting them vaccinated is going to help put an end to this,” said nursing student Aidan Phillips.

“It feels great. I feel happy. Hopefully, this is the light at the end of the tunnel for this whole pandemic,” said 19-year-old sophomore Dylan Vallabe.

Those who received a vaccine on April 21, have the option of getting their second vaccine in three weeks on campus or at a nearby Safeway.

Read the original article and watch the video report on WJLA/ABC7’s website.