5 topics to discuss with your parents before choosing a college

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  The feeling of reading that acceptance email is incredible. After all those years of hard work, you finally got into college! But maybe you’ve been accepted to several colleges, and you’re struggling to choose which one will be the best fit for you. We know the college decision is huge — that’s why we […]

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The pros of going into college undecided

The pros of going into college undecided

  Daunting decisions about college don’t end after you’ve committed to a university, unfortunately. Once you’ve chosen the school you’ll be attending in the fall, you’re quickly faced with another all-important question from friends and family — what are you going to major in? Some have had a steadfast answer to this question since the […]

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7 majors for students who enjoy reading, writing and researching

7 majors for students who enjoy reading, writing and researching

  STEM fields are important — there’s no doubt about that. But with STEM fields so highly promoted, it might seem hard for people who like reading and writing to find their niche in a less technical field. However, there are more options available to students who love to write, research and read than you […]

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Marymount University