3 reasons community service and extracurriculars are important in college

3 reasons community service and extracurriculars are important in college

  We’ve all heard the cliché that college is a time to find yourself. But what does that really mean, and where exactly did your “self” go? The next four years are a time for you to find out what you want to do with your life in your post-college years. You take classes to […]

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Marymount restores beloved green space on campus

InsideNoVa.com: New study tallies economic impact of Marymount University

  Just in time for the new school year, Marymount University has transformed the parking lot in front of the Main House into a usable green space. This effort is fueled by the University’s commitment to students’ experience and to the vitality of the natural environment that surrounds the campus. “As students, staff, faculty and […]

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MU Spirit of Service Scholar gets leadership opportunity through new AmeriCorps program

Kristen Netter selected as AmeriCorps Program Member at Marymount University

  Marymount University’s Saints’ Center for Service has been awarded the K2H Civic Futures AmeriCorps Program grant through the nonprofit Campus Compact, furthering the University’s commitment to service. Through the Civic Futures Program, an AmeriCorps member will implement civic engagement opportunities for students at K-12 schools or community-based organizations in partnership with Marymount. Marymount is […]

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9 practical time management tips for college-bound students

9 practical time management tips for college-bound students

  Time management can be a difficult task as a student, but your ability to manage your time effectively will be one of the key determinants of your success in college and in life.  Since we all want to enjoy our college experience, the question is how we can align our academic success with positive […]

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D.C. is our classroom: Eight reasons to choose D.C. for college

D.C. is our classroom

  At Marymount University, we like to say that “D.C. is our classroom.” That’s because our campus is only a few short miles from Washington, D.C. We use our close proximity to the nation’s capital to augment our students’ education and opportunities for success. Here are a few reasons why it’s strategic to attend a […]

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Marymount graduate awarded prestigious Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship

Marymount alumna Courtney Stephens, recipient of a prestigious Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship

  Marymount University alumna Courtney Stephens is among the nation’s top scholars to receive a 2021 Fellowship from the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, awarded to students pursuing their first year of graduate or professional study. Stephens joins only four other students across the country to earn the Society’s competitive Walter and Adelheid Hohenstein […]

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11 questions to ask during a campus tour this summer

Campus Tour

  Deciding where to go to college can be challenging — but know that you’re not alone in this! You really should make visiting college campuses a priority, and taking an organized campus tour is always encouraged. As you do so, remember to ask the below questions of the student ambassador hosting the campus tour. After all, […]

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Dennis Slon appointed as permanent Vice President for University Advancement at MU

Dennis Slon, Marymount University's new Vice President for University Advancement

  After nearly two months leading Marymount University’s Office of University Advancement on an interim basis, Dennis Slon will stay on for the long term as the institution’s permanent Vice President for University Advancement. Following his arrival on June 1, Slon quickly jumped in to support Marymount’s ambitious Strategic Plan goals by providing leadership and […]

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MU supports launch of national campaign to Double Pell

It's Time to Double Pell - Marymount University

  Marymount University is proud to participate in a national campaign to double the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000 and help more students earn a degree, secure a good-paying job and achieve a brighter future. #DoublePell is a national campaign led by the Double Pell Alliance, a coalition of higher education associations, organizations and advocacy […]

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President Becerra advocates for legislative solution to DACA at White House

MU President Irma Becerra, center, advocates for a legislative solution to DACA with TheDream.US cofounder Donald Graham and Miriam Feldblum of the Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education & Immigration

  Following a Texas Federal District Court decision that partially suspended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Marymount University President Irma Becerra joined a coalition of educational, business and community leaders on a “Week of Action” to highlight the urgent need for immigration solutions. Organized by the American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC), which […]

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Marymount University