Applications and enrollment surge at Marymount for Fall 2022 semester

Applications and enrollment surge at Marymount for Fall 2022 semester

  Defying recent national higher education trends, Marymount University has recorded significant increases from last year in both applications and enrollment deposits for the 2022-2023 academic year. Leading up to the Fall 2022 semester, a total of 3,551 applications were submitted from prospective students – a 44 percent jump from the 2,462 applications that the […]

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3 ways high school sophomores can start preparing for college this fall

3 ways high school sophomores can start preparing for college this fall

  It seems like society is putting more and more pressure on high school students to start thinking about college earlier and earlier. In many ways, entertaining thoughts about what you want to do post-high school, the kind of school you think you might best fit in at and the kind of field you might […]

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MU welcomes Class of 2026 during annual Welcome Week celebration

MU welcomes Class of 2026 during annual Welcome Week celebration

  About 310 new students arrived on the Marymount University campus last week during Thursday’s Move-In Day, with an estimated 33 volunteers consisting of Marymount faculty, staff and current students on hand to assist these first-year Saints from the Class of 2026 and celebrate them as new members of the Marymount family. Approximately 340 returning […]

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Why it’s okay to not know what your college major should be right away

With choosing a college major, it's okay to not know right away

  As an 18-year-old student, trying to figure out what you want to do for the next 40-50 years of your life can seem impossible — and frankly, it is! You’ve spent your entire life focused on studying and learning things that our education system requires that you must, and for good reason. You needed […]

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The real first step in choosing a college

The real first step in choosing a college

  Close your eyes for a moment and picture yourself out of high school — no more lockers, home room or cool-kid cafeteria cliques. You’ve graduated, moved on and are about to begin a brand new chapter of your life in an entirely new world. What kind of college do you envision yourself at? At […]

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President Becerra shares innovations with international audience at USAID

President Becerra shares lessons and MU innovations with USAID

  Late last month, Marymount University President Irma Becerra spoke at the Institute of International Education in Washington, D.C., where she shared her thoughts with university presidents and vice chancellors from across the world on how to build long-term institutional ties and university partnerships with innovation. She also reflected on her journey from growing up […]

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Trustee pledges $1 million+ to support nurse pipeline with Sibley Hospital

Trustee pledges $1 million+ to support nurse pipeline with Sibley Hospital

  Marymount University trustee John Shooshan and his wife Marcia have committed over $1 million to establish the Dr. Mark Abbruzzese Bridge Scholars Program, a joint effort between Marymount and Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C. The pilot program’s namesake, an infectious disease specialist affiliated with Sibley, has a special connection to Shooshan. About 20 […]

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9 questions you should ask school reps at college fairs

9 questions you should ask school reps at college fairs

  As a high school senior, odds are that your high school guidance counselors, teachers and parents have reminded you on more than one occasion that you are about to make one of the most important decisions of your life. Hearing that can be a little intimidating! That’s why college fairs can be so helpful. […]

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New Alumni Board established to engage with former Saints

New Alumni Board established to engage with former Saints

  In an effort to more fully encourage alumni engagement in the life of the institution, Marymount University recently established a newly formed Alumni Board with 10 inaugural members. Their respective terms officially began on July 1 and included a summer orientation meeting. The Alumni Board will serve as a liaison for the University by […]

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MU professor, Arlington Co. Poet Laureate receives $50,000 Fellowship

MU professor, Arlington Co. Poet Laureate receives $50,000 Fellowship

  Dr. Holly Karapetkova, Professor of Literature and Languages at Marymount University and the Poet Laureate of Arlington County, has been selected for a 2022 American Academy of Poets Laureate Fellowship. These $50,000 awards are given to honor poets of literary merit who have been appointed to serve in civic positions, and enable them to […]

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Marymount University