5 ways to avoid senioritis during your last year of high school

5 ways to avoid senioritis during your last year of high school

  You’ve almost made it. The end of your high school career is in sight, and you’ve got just one year left to prepare for all the ways you’re going to conquer that upcoming four-year college experience. But you’ve got one difficult (and maybe unexpected) challenge to overcome. You’ve probably heard of this challenge before […]

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6 tools to help you write your college application essays

6 tools to help you write your college application essays

  As your parents keep asking if you’ve finished your college applications yet, you may groan inwardly and try to procrastinate. But writing those application essays doesn’t have to be so torturous. Sometimes it’s only a matter of having the right tools to stimulate the writing genius inside of you. Here are seven of our favorite […]

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The importance of campus visits for your college future

The importance of campus visits for your college future

With a few hours at your disposal, you can accomplish a lot. You could finish reading a short book, or watch one of your favorite films. You could also spend that amount of time on a campus visit at Marymount University and get ready for your college future. It’s a practical way to plan for your […]

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3 ways high school sophomores can start preparing for college this fall

3 ways high school sophomores can start preparing for college this fall

  It seems like society is putting more and more pressure on high school students to start thinking about college earlier and earlier. In many ways, entertaining thoughts about what you want to do post-high school, the kind of school you think you might best fit in at and the kind of field you might […]

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Why it’s okay to not know what your college major should be right away

With choosing a college major, it's okay to not know right away

  As an 18-year-old student, trying to figure out what you want to do for the next 40-50 years of your life can seem impossible — and frankly, it is! You’ve spent your entire life focused on studying and learning things that our education system requires that you must, and for good reason. You needed […]

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The real first step in choosing a college

The real first step in choosing a college

  Close your eyes for a moment and picture yourself out of high school — no more lockers, home room or cool-kid cafeteria cliques. You’ve graduated, moved on and are about to begin a brand new chapter of your life in an entirely new world. What kind of college do you envision yourself at? At […]

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9 questions you should ask school reps at college fairs

9 questions you should ask school reps at college fairs

  As a high school senior, odds are that your high school guidance counselors, teachers and parents have reminded you on more than one occasion that you are about to make one of the most important decisions of your life. Hearing that can be a little intimidating! That’s why college fairs can be so helpful. […]

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How to construct an awesome college résumé

How to construct an awesome college résumé

  While not every college requires that you submit a résumé along with your application, many suggest that you do. Submitting a résumé to the colleges you are applying to will allow them to see a comprehensive list of the high school achievements you are most proud of. The trick is to accurately describe your […]

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8 last-minute ways to prepare for your freshman year of college

8 last-minute ways to prepare for your freshman year of college

  Wow, this summer is really flying by! If you’re a member of the Class of 2026, before you know it, you’ll be arriving on campus for your freshman year. You should definitely be excited, but believe it or not, there are probably some last-minute things you should do in order to prepare and arrive […]

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Why going to college in D.C. is good for your future career

Why going to college in D.C. is good for your future career

  D.C. has some of the best internship and job opportunities in the country. If you’re looking for these advantages in a flourishing city, D.C. fits the bill for a multitude of reasons! As the nation’s capital, D.C. is thriving with countless possibilities that will allow you to get ahead in your future career both […]

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Marymount University