Professor Donald F Lavanty, J.D. Publishes “The Political Aspects of Healthcare”

Professor Donald F Lavanty, J.D. Professor of Health Care Management and Legal Administration at the School of Business Administration at Marymount University has published a book, “The Political Aspects of Healthcare” – available now. The text reflects the major political factors that affect the national attempt to develop a healthcare system that works for all. Professor Lavanty has […]

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Professor Sarah Hardesty’s Work on Exhibition

Assistant Professor of Fine Arts and Barry Gallery Director Sarah Hardesty is being featured in a gallery exhibition entitled Convergence: Works by AAC’s Resident Artists, put on by the Arlington Arts Center. The exhibition is on view January 12 through March 30, 2019. Hardesty’s participation in this exhibition is being supported by an Marymount University […]

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MU Professor Appointed to be Commissioner on EDC for Arlington County

On December 18, 2018 the Arlington County Board appointed Marymount Assistant Professor Dr. Carlo J. Ninassi to serve a three-year term as a Commissioner on the Economic Development Commission (EDC) for the county. Carlo is an Assistant Professor with the School of Business and Technology and intends to be advocate for all of Arlington County […]

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Marymount Faculty Uma Kelekar’s Dental Study Published

Marymount faculty Uma Kelekar, PhD, (an Associate Professor of Healthcare Management) collaborated with Shillpa Naavaal, BDS, MS, MPH, (VCU School of Dentistry) to publish two new studies that determined the hours lost on planned and unplanned dental visits for American adults and children at work or school. The objective of the study was to estimate […]

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MU Tech Challenge

On Friday, January 25, Marymount hosted the second annual Technology Challenge event. This competitive event was open to students in the categories of Mobile Apps, Gaming, Cybersecurity, Websites, Data Analysis, Technology for Social Good.   Participating students submitted a proposal for their entry and Marymount faculty selected the one or two most promising entries from each  […]

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Marymount University’s Judy Green recognized by the Association for Women in Mathematics

The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) recently announced the 2nd Class of AWM Fellows, including researchers, mentors, and educators who are committed to creating a more inclusive mathematics community. Judy Green of Marymount University was selected among 23 others as a fellow “For her role as a founding member of the Association for Women […]

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Archivists Discuss WWI Film at the Leverett Memorial Lecture

The Department of History and Politics hosted its annual Leverett Memorial lecture on November 7. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended the First World War on November 11, 1918, Criss Austin and Carol Swain of the National Archives treated faculty and students to a discussion on “Preserving and Making WWI […]

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Students Attend Play’s World Premiere at The Kennedy Center in D.C.

Aspiring writers attended the world premiere of Long Way Down, a one-man show about a 15-year-old teen and the impact of gun violence, on Thursday, November 1st at The Kennedy Center with Professor Caroline Bock. The class, EN305: Topics in Creative Writing, is studying writing for young adult literature, and the play is an adaptation […]

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Marymount University