Letter from President Becerra on keeping MU community safe through emergency procedures for potential crises

Letter from President Becerra on keeping MU community safe through emergency procedures for potential crises

  The message below was sent by Marymount University President Irma Becerra to students, staff, faculty and Board of Trustees members on Wednesday, February 2. Dear Marymount Community, Today, our flags at the North Glebe Road entrance to Main Campus are at half-staff in honor of the campus police officer and campus security officer who […]

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Longtime Marymount trustee and benefactor, Paul Lanzillotta, passes away

Longtime Marymount trustee and benefactor, Paul Lanzillotta, passes away

  Paul Lanzillotta, an impactful figure on Marymount University who helped shape the institution over the years as a longtime trustee, generous supporter and former faculty member, passed away this past weekend. Lanzillotta’s ties with Marymount are extensive, and date back to 1979 when he was first appointed to the University’s Board of Trustees – […]

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Saints Center for Service partners with nonprofit for MLK Day service event

Volunteers gather online for virtual MLK Day event hosted by Volunteer Arlington

  In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s remarkable activism and significant impact on greater equality for underserved communities, Marymount University’s Saints Center for Service partnered with Volunteer Arlington for the “A Day On, Not a Day Off” service event.  Volunteer Arlington coordinated multiple events on January 18 to activate the local community for a […]

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Marymount alumnus Michael D. Smith confirmed as new CEO of AmeriCorps

Marymount alumnus Michael D. Smith becomes next CEO of AmeriCorps

  Michael D. Smith, a 2001 Communication graduate of Marymount University, became the new Chief Executive Officer of AmeriCorps, the only federal organization leading community service and volunteerism across the nation. Starting in the role earlier this month, Smith was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2021 after receiving a nomination for the position […]

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MU commemorates National Day of Racial Healing with campus, community members

The National Day of Racial Healing on January 18, 2022

  On Tuesday, Marymount University hosted virtual events with students, staff, faculty and community members to encourage honest conversations and opportunities to build trust in commemoration of the National Day of Racial Healing.  “On this day, we gather together with our diverse religious and spiritual traditions to condemn racism in all its forms,” explained Shannon […]

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Marymount to host 2022 USA Biolympiad Finals this May

Marymount to host 2022 USA Biolympiad Finals this May

  The Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) has announced that Marymount University will host the 2022 USA Biolympiad (USABO) Finals from May 28 to June 9, 2022 on its Arlington campus. USABO is the nation’s largest cost-free biology education and testing program for high school students. It has previously been conducted at Marymount University […]

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Marymount partners with Curative to provide no-cost COVID-19 testing

Marymount partners with Curative to provide no-cost COVID-19 testing

  For the second consecutive year, Marymount University is providing both its own community members and the general public with access to COVID-19 tests on campus at no out-of-pocket cost, this time through a partnership with public health service leader Curative. As the DMV region and the nation as a whole are mired in a […]

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Marymount to begin semester in remote learning format for two weeks

Temporary remote learning plan at Marymount University for Spring 2022 semester

  On Wednesday morning, Marymount University announced its plan to begin the Spring 2022 semester in a remote learning format for the first two weeks of classes in order to reduce the potential spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 on campus. This announcement is in addition to a prior message which communicated that a […]

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Marymount announces COVID-19 booster shot requirement

Marymount announces COVID-19 booster shot requirement

  On Monday, Marymount University administrators shared with its community members an enhanced COVID-19 vaccination policy that will require a booster shot for all students, faculty and staff who will be physically present on campus during the upcoming semester, a precautionary measure designed to ensure the best possible protection against the virus. The institution is […]

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President Becerra calls on doctoral fellows to overcome obstacles, diversify academia

President Becerra calls on doctoral fellows to overcome obstacles, diversify academia

  “I owe all of my career success to higher education. It is the ‘great equalizer,’ and offered a pathway to the American Dream for this Cuban refugee. That’s why I’m so passionate about increasing higher education access for all – because it can also offer you that same pathway today.” Marymount University President Irma […]

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Marymount University