Meet the Tutors

We hope you’ll enjoy getting to know our peer tutors by reading over what they’ve shared about their academic programs and study strategies below. Looking forward to working with you soon!


Meet the Tutors

Sarah Gammoh

Class Year: Graduate student
Major: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CRLA Certification: Level 1
Tutoring Specialty: Writing consultations
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “studying in groups and relating the content to real life!



Meet the Tutors

Alyssa McDonald

Class Year: Graduate student
Major: Forensic and Legal Psychology
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Writing consultations
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “to write things out and make flashcards.”



Meet the TutorsGenesis Kiesel

Class Year: Senior
Major: Accelerated BSN
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Course content
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “As a visual learner I like to make fun colorful notes, I quiz myself using applications such as quizlet, and I like to form study groups to foster a discussion on class topics.”


Meet the TutorsIsabella Ochalik

Class Year: Senior
Major: Biochemistry
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Course content
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “mixing up the subjects you are studying. Working on one topic for too long can lead to burnout and discouragement, but studying and repetition will help reinforce concepts!”

Meet the TutorsTidawee Srun

Class Year: Sophomore
Major: Secondary Math Education
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Course content
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “practicing questions.”



Meet the TutorsHelia Amini

Class Year: Graduate student
Program: Interior Architecture & Design
CRLA Certification: In-progress
Tutoring Specialty: Course Content
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My best way to learn something new is to… “visualize.”



Meet the Tutors

Bri Alma

Class Year: Senior
Major: Psychology
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Writing Consultations
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My best way to learn something new is to… “review notes and try to explain concepts instead of just remembering them. ”



Meet the TutorsSara Argueta-Valle

Class Year: Junior
Major: Nursing
Top study strategies: “My best way to learn something new is making mnemonics or stories about the study topic; the crazier, the better because it really sticks in your memory!”




Meet the TutorsSoha Ahmed

Class Year: Junior
Major: Interior Design
Top study strategies: “My top study strategy is to tackle the most difficult content first and then work on the easier stuff.”




Meet the Tutors

Erin Pope

Class Year: Senior
Major: Psychology
CRLA Certification: Level 1
Tutoring Specialty: Course Content
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “giving yourself a reasonable schedule to complete your work and not rushing your learning.”


Meet the TutorsKatee Stromberg

Class Year: Junior
Major: Biochemistry
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Course Content
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “Practice things I struggle with and ask questions if I do not understand something.”



Meet the TutorsJhandira Franco Campos

Class Year: Sophomore
Major: Psychology
CRLA Certification: In-progress
Tutoring Specialty: Course Content
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My best way to learn something new is to… “prioritize and categorize based on level of understanding! This makes the unfamiliar less daunting. ”



Meet the Tutors

Natalia Ivanauskas

Class Year: Senior
Major: Information Technology
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Writing consultations
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “concentrating my time and energy on one aspect of a challenge at a time.”




Meet the TutorsSachin Raj

Class Year: Graduate student
Program: Business Analytics
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Course Content
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My best way to learn something new is to… “focus on the fundamentals and note-keeping is vital for self-learning and practice.”



Meet the TutorsSami Shumate

Class Year: Sophomore
Program: Health Sciences (Pre-PT)
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Writing consultations
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “Going over the material a couple days in advance.”



Meet the TutorsSebastian Salinas

Class Year: Graduate student
Program: Forensic & Legal Psychology
CRLA Certification: In Progress
Tutoring Specialty: Writing consultations
All Types of Tutoring Offered: One-on-one appointments
My top study strategy is… “Taking brain breaks! Give yourself a little me-time to avoid feeling overworked and burnt-out.”