Space Reservations

The primary objective of the Rose Bente Lee Center is to serve members of the Marymount community, including students, alumni, faculty, and staff. Informal student use of the facility for social or recreational activities and events planned by student groups is considered a priority. Registered student groups and Marymount University departments may request use of various facilities by completing a space request form. Every effort will be made to accommodate group preferences for space.

Members of the Marymount Faculty and Staff may put in reservation request through the Astra Scheduling System found in the Marymount Portal. You may also email for assistance. All others should email the aforementioned email address for help in booking an event.

Available Event Spaces

  • Rose Bente Lee Lobby Area
  • Atrium
  • Bernie’s (seating/dining area)
  • Recreational Gym
  • Main Gym
  • Aerobics Room
  • The Back Field and Team Rooms are reserved through the Athletic Department

Space Reservation Policies

  • Those interested in reserving space are advised to become familiar with the policies in the Campus Programs and Leadership Development Manual governing space use.
  • Reservations are processed  mostly on a first-come, first-serve basis. Groups are encouraged to plan ahead. Some events like athletic games may take priority over other events.
  • Requests for space can only be made by students, University faculty/staff, recognized student clubs and organizations, and conference guests/groups. The representative reserving the space must be present at all times during the event. The sponsoring organization is responsible for the conduct of its participants and the care of all facilities.
  • Events may be scheduled between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. based upon availability. Outdoor events must end by 10 p.m. (or by midnight on Friday and Saturday with prior approval). Events are not scheduled when campus is closed.
  • Student organizations must send an e-mail to at least one week prior to the event.
  • Groups should contact the Marymount University Conference Center at (703) 284-1540 for catering needs. If groups bring food into the facility, the University is not liable.
  • Faculty and staff requesting tables, chairs, or staging must submit a separate request to Physical Plant by calling them at (703) 284-1529.
  • Requests for space reservations by professional organizations not affiliated with Marymount University must make their space request through the University Conference Center(703) 284-1540.
  • Groups wishing to cancel a reservation should contact the Lee Center Manager’s Office.