Resources for International Students

By enrolling at Marymount University, you agreed to uphold the principles of honor set forth by the Academic Integrity Code. As an international student, it is important to recognize that failing to uphold the Academic Integrity Code may result in consequences that could impact your visa status.

If you are studying at Marymount University on an F-1 or J-1 student visa and are suspected of violating the Academic Integrity Code, you should contact International Student & Scholars Services (ISSS) to discuss how academic integrity penalties may affect your immigration status. 

If you are suspected of a second or third violation, it is recommended that you immediately consult with ISSS as typical penalties for these cases include separation from the University (i.e., suspension or expulsion). This scenario is also applicable to students suspected of a first violation with a proposed sanction of suspension or expulsion.

If you are separated (suspended or expelled) from the University, you may no longer be eligible for immigration sponsorship as you will not maintain enrollment at the University. It is important that you discuss possible outcomes with ISSS proactively, since your options are limited once a separation decision is final. Any information shared with ISSS prior to official University action is NOT reportable for immigration purposes, so there are no consequences in discussing your options openly and early with ISSS.

Contacting ISSS

Don’t delay in scheduling an appointment with ISSS especially while the final resolution of an Academic Integrity case remains uncertain. ISSS can help you to determine your immigration options and plan ahead for different potential outcomes.

For more information, contact the International Student & Scholars Services Office (ISSS).

Types of Academic Integrity Violations

Academic dishonesty includes:

  • Cheating: the use or attempt to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids.
    • Examples include copying from another student; using notes or other unauthorized materials during an examination; and/or use of substantive translation services that aid in more than just spelling and grammar. 
    • Tips: With every examination, paper, project, lab, or assignment, be sure that you are completing your own work, unless the written directions specifically allow you to work with others.
  • Plagiarism: the representation of the works of another as one’s own.
    • Examples include purchasing a paper online; using a friend’s work as your own; copying directly from a website, journal, text book, etc. without attribution; and/or failing to give attribution even when paraphrasing. 
    • Tips: CITE CITE CITE! You can never over cite your sources but you can under cite them. Make sure that you are always citing any work, words, ideas, and/or phrases that you use directly or indirectly regardless of whether you found the information in a book, article, journal, or website and regardless if you copied word for word or paraphrased. Don’t forget to cite any charts, images, or diagrams used in your work if it was created by someone else. If you need help learning about citations, you can make an appointment with Peer Tutoring
  • Falsification: the invention or alteration of any information or citation.
    • Examples include falsely reporting having met attendance or participation requirements in class, practicum, internship or other types of field work experience; and/or submission of falsified excuses for tardiness or not attending or participating in class.
    • Tips: Be honest! If you weren’t able to complete attendance or participation requirements, let your instructor know. Instructors take honesty into account when working with their students. 
  • Text-recycling/Self-plagiarism: the submission of work to meet the requirements of one assignment when it was done in whole or in part to meet the requirements of another assignment, exercise, or similar academic purpose unless approved to do so by the instructor. 
    • Examples include submitting a paper for your English course in your first semester and then submitting the same paper for another course in your 4th semester; and/or treating anything that you previously wrote and submitted as new material. 
    • Tips: Always create new work for each assignment that you turn in regardless of how similar the exercises are. If you use anything that you previously wrote, give attribution to yourself and your original work. 
  • Facilitating or soliciting academic dishonesty: soliciting is getting assistance from another to commit an act of academic dishonesty; facilitation is intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student commit an act of academic dishonesty.
    • Examples include having another person take an exam or complete an assignment for you; taking an exam or completing an assignment for another student; and/or share the content or answers of an exam or test with students in another section who have yet to take it.
    • Tips: Tutoring is typically considered an authorized means of assistance but be weary of online tutors as they are not typically trained to understand the obligations of academic honesty at MU. Take advantage of the tutors that MU provides as they have training on MU standards. Do not provide or ask for assistance on any examination or assignment from a friend or a classmate. Do not send any completed assignments or papers to another person since you don’t have control over how it’s shared or used afterward. 
  • Fraud or misrepresentation: the verbal or written submission of any information or document to a University official, which the respondent knows or reasonably should have known to be inaccurate, false, fraudulent or otherwise misleading. The University does not need to have relied on this information in order for the act to be fraud or misrepresentation. 
    • Examples include failure to disclose student disciplinary or criminal record during the admission process; falsely reporting grades or test scores; and/or submitting forged transcripts, letters of recommendation or other records. Forged or falsified documents submitted to obtain your 1-20 and F-1 record will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for formal adjudication. 
    • Tips: Make sure that all documents you are submitting to the University are legitimate and have not been altered in any way.
  • Unauthorized Uses of Artificial Intelligence: Marymount University acknowledges that ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI), text-generated tools have the capability of dramatically altering the academic environment in both positive and negative ways.
    • Permitted Uses:
      1. Educational activities conducted with the advanced written approval of a faculty instructor, in such a way as to facilitate increased knowledge and understanding about the use of AI in business, government, and educational settings.
      2. When permitted, in advance and in writing, by faculty or staff in the conduct of an educational activity as a teaching or learning tool (e.g., tutoring, academic advising, etc.).
      3. As a research tool to assist and enable computer-based internet search activities (e.g., library, database, thesauruses, Grammarly, etc.). Use of AI tools must be formally provided through written approval of the instructor.
    • Prohibited Uses:
      1. For the development and/or submission of drafts or final versions of any paper, report, or other work research papers submitted in lieu of original student work without instructor permission. This definition includes but is not limited to doctoral dissertations, masters’ theses, and undergraduate written assignments, whether in full or in part. It also includes both graded and ungraded academic work. The improper usage of generative artificial intelligence tools falls within the university’s standard definition for plagiarism: Representing the works of another as one’s own. 

Additional tips to avoid academic dishonesty:

  • Learn how to summarize and paraphrase an author’s ideas using your own words. This in no way demonstrates any disrespect to the original author. 
  • The best way to respect original authors is to properly credit the work that they completed. 
  • Do not feel obligated to help your fellow classmates with assignments or examinations.
  • Independent work is the default expectation at MU unless given permission from your instructor otherwise. 
  • Remember that the Academic Integrity Code applies to all forms of academic evaluation, not just final papers or examinations. Homework assignments, online course postings, responses to reflection prompts, etc. must follow the Academic Integrity Code. 
  • Do not pay anyone to complete an assignment for you. Papers that are written by these services are sold to multiple students and can easily be caught by plagiarism detection software.
  • Put your phone or other electronic device away during examinations! This includes even glancing at the time on your device. 
  • Get a head start on your assignments so you don’t find yourself in a situation where you are careless in citations to avoid missing deadlines. The more time you provide yourself to complete assignments, the more time you have to ensure that your work does not violate the Academic Integrity Code. 
  • Communicate truthfully and openly with your instructor, but do so in a timely manner in order to give time to proactively find a solution.
  • Protect your login credentials, safe keep your assignments, avoid unauthorized websites, report solicitations for paid work, and use university resources responsibly.
  • Be proactive about utilizing resources and asking questions. You shouldn’t wait until you have an academic integrity violation to take this information into consideration. Taking these steps early may help prevent any allegations of academic dishonesty. 
  • If you have any questions regarding Academic Integrity expectations in your class, speak with your instructor before turning anything in. Instructors are here to help you before an academic integrity problem arises. If you are uncomfortable talking with your instructor, you should reach out to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution or International Student & Scholars Services.
On Campus Academic Integrity Resources 
Online Academic Integrity Resources