Yellow Ribbon

Marymount University is proud to offer substantial financial assistance to all military, veteran, and dependent students that join our community.

Undergraduate Students

All military, veteran, and dependents with 100% coverage under Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits will automatically be enrolled in the Yellow Ribbon Program.  Marymount University does not cap the amount of the Yellow Ribbon Award, and all military, veteran, and dependent undergraduate students are eligible for it.  This award will ensure that there is no cost for tuition and fees while completing your undergraduate studies and utilizing Chapter 33 benefits. Each semester, students will verify their enrollment with the Military & Veteran Services representative to confirm their documents are updated with the department of veteran affairs. Yellow Ribbon kicks in once a student has hit the cap that the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs has set for the academic year. The current cap for the 2023-2024 academic year is set at $27,120.05. The rate for the coming year will be announced at the end of July.

Tuition assistance will be available for anyone using the Montgomery GI Bill, for those students with less than 100% coverage from the Post 9/11 GI Bill, and for anyone that may run out of military benefits while working toward undergraduate degree completion.

No matter what chapter of benefits is being used to assist with financing your education, all military, veteran, and dependent students should submit the FAFSA on an annual basis.

Graduate Students

There are a limited number of Yellow Ribbon Awards designated for graduate students (excluding doctoral programs). To apply for a Yellow Ribbon Award, please contact the Military & Veteran Services office. To apply for a Yellow Ribbon Award, please complete the Yellow Ribbon Application.