Alice Young

Alice Young (no photo)

Professor Emerita

Academic Credentials

B.S., West Virginia State College
M.S., University of Kentucky
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University


Other Information

Teaching Area

  • Educational Research
  • Elementary Methods

Research Interests

assessment issues in teacher education

Dr. Alice Young spent 15 years teaching elementary school students in West Virginia and Kentucky before moving to the university level.

She came to Marymount in 1999 and has worked hard to keep close ties to the K-12 classroom. Her focus at Marymount has been primarily working with student teachers and she teaches methods courses to future elementary teachers.

Her most recent research interest looks at how assessment data is changing teacher education programs and the developmental levels of novice teachers. She is active in the National Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) and is president-elect for the Virginia chapter of ATE.

Dr. Young served as chair of Marymount’s Education Department from 2001 to 2005, and she is currently the associate dean of the School of Education and Human Services.


