Class of 2024 Spotlight: Lígia Ribas Correia

Class of 2024 Spotlight: Lígia Ribas Correia


Master’s in Special Education


Paraná, Brazil

Plans post-graduation? 

I was offered a job in Manassas City Public Schools with an extension of my student visa, so I’ll be able to work for a year as a special education teacher! 


What professional and personal opportunities have you had during your time at Marymount?

Through a Marymount partnership with the ARC workshops, I met a family that wanted help to transition their daughter from high school to post-secondary life. I was able to stay in touch and provide some guidance, which definitely has made me a better professional because of the hands-on experience. Also, I was nominated by my teachers to receive a scholarship through the Virginia Department of Education, and I actually got the scholarship! It’s crazy to think that among all people in Virginia, I was the one selected. I feel so lucky, and I know that all the possibilities that Marymount offered was what got me to where I am today.

How has being an international student colored your Marymount experience?

Being an exchange student at Marymount did not feel like being different from others. I felt like I could always share my thoughts even when they were different, and that was always welcomed. I had many opportunities to learn and share different perspectives to enrich our learning together. I was worried in the beginning that it would be really hard to adjust to a new language and what teachers expected from me. But I made sure to ask a billion questions to get clarity on what was required. I was worried that teachers would not like that I was asking a lot of questions, but they were super welcoming and kind every single day. So I am really grateful that they were patient and gave me the extra help I needed to complete the work. They gave me the space, time and opportunity to show my true colors, and for that I am so grateful!

What will you remember most about your academic journey? 

I will definitely remember my teachers and how they made me feel. I have felt so valued and recognized by my professors, which definitely had a positive impact on my grades and studies. I admire their knowledge and passion for education.