Daniel Corrigan

Academic Credentials

B.A., Iowa State University 
M.A., Georgia State University
Ph.D., University of Miami

Dr. Corrigan is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy and has a courtesy appointment in the School of Business. He currently serves as Interim Director of the Center for Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility. 

He joined Marymount University in 2018, after holding a position as post-doctoral associate in business ethics and bioethics at the University of Miami Business School.

Teaching Area
Dr. Corrigan has taught a range of courses in moral, political, and legal philosophy. At Marymount, he teaches courses on Political Philosophy, Ethical Theory, and Business Ethics, in addition to several new courses he has developed, including undergraduate courses on Biomedical Ethics and Cyberethics, a graduate course on Environmental Ethics, and an MBA course on Business Law & Ethics.

Research Interests
Dr. Corrigan’s research focuses on human rights, political philosophy, and applied ethics, in particular business ethics and environmental ethics. His publications have addressed such topics as the human rights obligations of corporations and environmental human rights. 

He recently co-edited a book, titled Rights of Nature: A Re-examination, which considers the philosophical, political, and legal dimensions of granting rights to nature or natural objects (such as rivers, forests, or ecosystems).



Corrigan. D. P. & Oksanen, M. (eds.) Rights of Nature: A Re-examination, Routledge, 2021. 

Articles and Book Chapters

Corrigan, D. P. “Political Confucianism and Human Rights.” Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, vol. 37, 2022, pp. 91-116.

Corrigan, D. P. “Human Rights and Rights of Nature: Prospects for a Linkage Argument.” Rights of Nature: A Re-examination, ed. by Daniel P. Corrigan and Markku Oksanen, Routledge, 2021, pp. 101-120. 

Corrigan, D. P. & Oksanen, M. “Rights of Nature: Exploring the Territory.” Rights of Nature: A Re-examination, ed. by Daniel P. Corrigan and Markku Oksanen, Routledge, 2021, pp. 1-13. 

Corrigan, D. P. “From Concept to Conceptions: Can the Broad View Overcome the Debate Between Orthodox and Political Theories of Human Rights?.” European Journal of Political Theory, vol. 19, no. 3, 2020, pp. 417-425.

Corrigan, D. P. “Political Conceptions of Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility.” Moral and Political Conceptions of Human Rights: Implications for Theory and Practice, ed. by Reidar Maliks and Johan Karlsson Schaffer, Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp. 229-257. 

Corrigan, D. P. “What’s So Good About Environmental Human Rights?: Constitutional Versus International Environmental Rights.” Environmental Human Rights: A Political Theory Perspective, ed. by Markku Oksanen, Ashley Dodsworth, and Selina O’Doherty, Routledge, 2017, pp. 124-148.


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Ariane Economos

Academic Credentials

B.A., University of San Francisco
M.S., Ph.D., Fordham University


Other Information

Dr. Ariane Economos joined Marymount University in 2010 after serving as a post-doctoral teaching fellow at Fordham University for two years. She teaches courses on medieval philosophy, ancient philosophy, philosophy of religion, ethical theory, and has developed the course Animals, Ethics, and the Environment. Her research interests focus on medieval science and philosophy, especially the works of Thomas Aquinas and John Buridan, and also on animal cognition and ethical issues concerning the treatment of animals. She has published and presented articles on a wide range of topics, including, interpretations of nous in medieval commentaries on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, the metaphysical principles underlying medieval medical practice, ancient and medieval theories of rationality, and the adaptation of natural law theory to ethical issues regarding the treatment of animals. She currently serves as Chair of the Philosophy Department.

Teaching Area

Research Interests



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Suzanne Smith

Academic Credentials

Bachelor’s Degree of Nursing from Saint Louis University, Master’s Degree in Nursing Education from Norwich University.


Suzanne got her start as a Registered Nurse in the United States Air Force, serving for 5 years. While active duty I worked in Med Surg units in Nebraska and Turkey. I left the Air Force in 2003 and have worked as a civilian nurse in the Med Surg and Family Practice specialties since then. I taught for Kaplan, Incorporated and at Keiser University in Tampa , Florida for 2 years. I then was hired to be the Academic Success Coordinator for Marymount’s School of Nursing.  

Other Information

Teaching Area

NCLEX Preparation, Student Success, Med Surg

Research Interests

Has not done any formal research, but is interested in nursing student success and attrition rates, academic indicators of NCLEX success, etc.



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Marymount University