Why diversity is so important to the Marymount experience

Why diversity is so important to the Marymount experience


What do you want to get out of your college experience? Whether you’re hoping to gain a world-class education, make lifelong friends in a diverse and welcoming community or jumpstart your career by taking advantage of every possible professional opportunity, Marymount University has just what you’re looking for.

Read on to learn more about what makes us stand out!

Our dedication to quality education and diversity draws students from all backgrounds.

Did you know that Marymount is ranked as the most diverse school in Virginia and Washington, D.C., and leads in diversity among all Regional Universities of the South? Our total student population represents 49 states and 75 countries, giving all of our Saints a true global perspective during their four years at Marymount.

Marymount celebrates students from a wide variety of faiths and traditions.

Catholic colleges are well known for welcoming people of all backgrounds and faiths, and Marymount is no exception — in the tradition of our founders, the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, we provide a hospitable, diverse community where your friends and classmates are likely to come from a variety of backgrounds and faiths.

Diversity of thought and experience helps foster a dynamic and collaborative atmosphere on campus.

The diversity of our student population results in a vibrant and exciting campus experience. You’ll have the opportunity to join one of our more than 30 clubs and organizations, many of which are run by students of different backgrounds to celebrate their cultural heritage — the Black Student Alliance, Latino Student Association and South Asian Society are just a few of these. We’re also passionate about cultural exchange — our Center for Global Engagement facilitates study abroad programs for students across all academic disciplines.

In addition, we have numerous clubs and organizations available for whichever hobby or passion you might want to pursue — some of the most popular are Film Club, Fashion Club, Dance Team, Student Government Association, Science Club and the Student Nursing Association.

Our student-centered approach to learning includes intimate classes and one-on-one faculty time.

At many universities, a one-size-fits-all approach is the norm. Large class sizes often prevent professors from dedicating too much time to any one student, meaning that it’s unlikely you’ll receive much individual attention.

At Marymount, we recognize the value of being able to interact with your professors on a personal level. Most of our classes have fewer than 20 students, and the overall student-faculty ratio is 14:1. Rather than just taking notes quietly in a 75-person lecture hall, you’ll be able to get answers to complex questions and have meaningful discussions about the material with your professors and your classmates. In addition to creating a richer academic experience, this approach allows you to network and build connections that are sure to come in handy later in the professional world.

Marymount’s strategic location in Arlington enables students to take advantage of professional opportunities in D.C.

Internships, networking and more! Our campus, just outside of Washington, D.C., is unquestionably a great location for ambitious college students. The internships you’ll obtain here are leagues above what you might find in a small college town, and the connections and experiences you’ll gain from these internships are sure to improve your career outlook after graduation. We also have premier resources to help students take advantage of these opportunities.

If it sounds like Marymount is what you may be looking for out of your college experience, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us for more information, or schedule a campus visit today!