What just 5 hours at a campus visit day can do for your college future

What just 5 hours at a campus visit day can do for your college future


With five hours at your disposal, you can accomplish a lot. You could finish reading an entire book, or you could watch one of your favorite films — along with the sequel! You could also spend that amount of time on a campus visit day at Marymount University and get ready for your college future.

It’s a practical way to plan for your college future.

Although you might be spending most of your time thinking about high school and how to thrive academically and personally where you are right now, it’s also smart to devote some time to planning your future academic steps. A campus visit offers more than just a chance to think about your future — it offers an opportunity to really experience what it could be like. You can see the sights, hear the sounds and walk the paths that any given college would provide for you before you choose to attend. Would you want to spend more days in this environment? How about every day?

Note: On Marymount’s campus tours, you’ll get the chance to explore our campus with a helpful and informative student ambassador. This is a great time to imagine whether you can see yourself spending four years here.

It’s a low-pressure way to prepare for what’s ahead.

Fortunately, nobody expects you to have strong opinions yet about the kind of college experience you want. You can casually learn more about your own opinions and desires at a campus visit day without committing to anything (other than just showing up). How many students you’re comfortable being around, whether the campus should be urban or rural, what kind of majors interest you and what clubs or extracurriculars you want to join — these are just a few of the things students typically start figuring out while visiting schools.

Note: There will be time at our Fall Open House dedicated to exploring campus life in addition to information sessions about the admissions and financial aid process. There will also be opportunities for prospective students and families to connect with current students, faculty and staff to help them decide if Marymount is the right fit. 

It’s an authentic way to plan for your college future.

Instead of just reading about college on a website or forming inaccurate ideas from movies, you can ask real students and professors what college is, what it can be and what it should be — and they’ll give you authentic answers. Different students have such different priorities when it comes to picking a college. Current students can tell you whether your needs and priorities fit with what the school they’re so familiar with offers. Although the events of a campus visit day are scheduled, these conversations are an opportunity to hear a more unmanicured version of student life — but come armed with a few good questions if you want good answers!

Note: At Marymount’s Fall Open House, staff and faculty representatives will be available to discuss Marymount’s programs and answer any questions you have.

Attending a campus visit day allows you to take a break from your day-to-day activities at your high school and discover the opportunities you will have in college. It’s a chance to re-evaluate what is most important to you and how you want to spend your time to prepare for your future. We recommend that you use our Fall Open House to learn about academic and social opportunities, talk to professors and students and get a feel for how things work at the college level.

Are you interested in attending Marymount’s Fall Open House on October 22? We invite you to register online today to join us in learning more about the college admissions process and the benefits of a Marymount education!
Click here to register