Researchers unveil findings on history of housing discrimination in Northern Virginia

Researchers unveil findings on history of housing discrimination in Northern Virginia

An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Marymount University and the University of Mary Washington has officially released the website Documenting Exclusion and Resilience, which documents its ongoing research into the history of racially restrictive housing covenants across Northern Virginia. Racially restrictive covenants limited who could own or use land based on race, nationality or religious […]

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Marymount hosts Northern Virginia Elected Leaders Summit

Marymount hosts eighth annual Northern Virginia Elected Leaders Summit

  On Tuesday, more than 200 business, government and community leaders from across the region gathered at Marymount University’s Ballston Center for the sold-out Northern Virginia Elected Leaders Summit. With a keynote speech from U.S. Senator Mark Warner, the event offered the opportunity for elected leaders at various levels in Northern Virginia to discuss important […]

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Marymount leading GO Virginia investment program targeting work readiness

Marymount University leading GO Virginia investment program targeting work readiness

  With an investment of $425,000 from the Virginia Growth and Opportunity Board, Marymount University is leading the way in designing a program to help college students from across the area develop technology skills they’ll need to be ready for the workplace upon graduation. The Tech Set program, which is scheduled to begin during the […]

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MU leads local Heat Watch project to detect extreme temperatures

Heat Watch project volunteers Maureen Dour, Learning Specialist at Marymount University, and her daughter, Patrice

  During one of the hottest days of the year, Dr. Susan Agolini, Assistant Professor of Biology at Marymount University, and more than 20 “community scientists” set out across Northern Virginia to understand where residents are most at risk during extreme heat waves. “The Heat Watch project is a way to measure the heat that […]

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College of BILT staff is looking to boost cybersecurity startups in Commonwealth Cyber Initiative

Dr. Diane Murphy with a group of Marymount University Cybersecurity students

  The Director of Marymount University’s School of Technology and Innovation and the Associate Dean of the College of Business, Innovation, Leadership and Technology (BILT) have both been appointed to bolster the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) and foster cybersecurity growth and talent in Northern Virginia. The initiative, which is funding $1 million in experiential learning […]

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Dean of Students, Equity and Inclusion at MU selected as “40 Under 40” honoree

Brooke Berry poses on the campus of Marymount University alongside logos of the Norther Virginia 40 Under 40 list, Marymount University, Leadership Center for Excellence and Leadership Fairfax

  Brooke Berry, the Dean of Students, Equity and Inclusion at Marymount University, has been named as an impactful leader in the 2021 Northern Virginia “40 Under 40” list by the Leadership Center for Excellence and Leadership Fairfax.  Since 1992, the Leadership Center for Excellence has been the region’s trusted resource for leadership development and […]

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Marymount University