Marymount promotes age-friendly housing designs with VR technology

Marymount promotes age-friendly housing designs with VR technology

Aiming to highlight the transformative potential of virtual reality in housing design for aging populations, Marymount University made a significant impact at HUD’s 2024 Innovative Housing Showcase. Held on the National Mall from June 7-9, this event – in its fourth year – raises awareness about innovative and affordable housing designs and technologies that can […]

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Researchers unveil findings on history of housing discrimination in Northern Virginia

Researchers unveil findings on history of housing discrimination in Northern Virginia

An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Marymount University and the University of Mary Washington has officially released the website Documenting Exclusion and Resilience, which documents its ongoing research into the history of racially restrictive housing covenants across Northern Virginia. Racially restrictive covenants limited who could own or use land based on race, nationality or religious […]

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Calculate how much college will (actually) cost you

Calculate how much college will (actually) cost you

  Take a moment to think about your finances — are you feeling anxious yet? If you’re like most college-bound students, preparing for tuition and miscellaneous college expenses can be intimidating, especially when you start to consider the rising cost of higher education. In-state and out-of-state tuition rates for four-year universities are on the rise, […]

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11 questions to ask during a campus tour this summer

Campus Tour

  Deciding where to go to college can be challenging — but know that you’re not alone in this! You really should make visiting college campuses a priority, and taking an organized campus tour is always encouraged. As you do so, remember to ask the below questions of the student ambassador hosting the campus tour. After all, […]

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Marymount University