Marymount provides transformative higher education opportunities for Serco employees

Marymount provides transformative higher education opportunities for Serco employees

Serco Inc. recently joined Marymount University in a mutual collaboration to educate ‘Serco Students.’ Through this arrangement, the company provides its employees with access to high-quality and accredited undergraduate and graduate courses at Marymount to boost their careers and skill development.

Provided that employees meet Marymount’s admissions criteria, they can enroll in courses through the University’s College of Business, Innovation, Leadership and Technology (BILT) to acquire certificates in leadership or digital marketing. Both require completing management, marketing, technology and business administration courses. Serco employees learn new approaches to enhance their leadership capabilities, preparing them to create and implement digital marketing strategies and understand how technology-driven tools can help them make impactful decisions.

“We are immensely excited to welcome Serco employees to study at Marymount,” said Dr. Irma Becerra, President of Marymount University. “This partnership aims to provide them with a valuable opportunity to gain essential skills and knowledge to advance their education and enhance their careers.”

The partnership was initially inspired by David Dacquino, former Serco chair and board member, who now serves on Marymount’s Board of Trustees. With a vision and commitment to expanding higher education access, he received the University’s Saint of Service Award at Marymount’s 2024 Halo Awards.  

This collaboration was also made possible through the combined efforts of the College of BILT, Marymount’s Office of Academic Affairs and Serco’s leadership.

“Serco is proud of its partnership with Marymount University, which underscores our commitment to continuous learning and professional development,” said Alan Hill, Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Government Relations at Serco. “This collaboration not only enhances Serco’s workforce’s skills, but also demonstrates innovative industry-academia partnerships.”

Marymount and Serco’s efforts align with congressional initiatives to expand higher education access and enhance workforce readiness. Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) previously endorsed education and workforce training legislation that allows for tax credits to be granted to employers. Additionally, Sen. Warner and Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) reintroduced legislation to give low and moderate-income workers more access to lifelong learning opportunities.

“Senator Warner’s education and workforce training legislation captures exactly what Serco strives to offer to its employees in partnering with Marymount’s upskilling educational opportunities,” noted Dr. Soumya Sivakumar, associate professor in Marymount University’s College of BILT.