Second Annual Biomarker & Biometrics Blitz Review!

Date: November 9, 2022
Time: 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm
ACRM 99th Annual Conference | Center for Optimal Aging

Learning Objectives:

    • Upon completion, participants will be able to list and describe several different types of biomarkers that have been and can be used in combination for increased precision of measurement in ABI and TBI research.
    • Upon completion participants will be able to discuss and describe several domains of brain injury research with enhanced findings when using multimodal biomarkers.
    • Upon completion, participants will be able to discuss key preliminary findings of a scoping review of multimodal biomarkers in use with TBI and ABI research.
    • Upon completion, participants will be able to describe information and potential research foci from a case series looking at symptoms and outcomes of Long-COVID patients with ADHD/concussion/TBI/substance misuse history