“No Show” Student Absences

“No-Shows” refer to occurrences when students do not report to class and do not cancel interpreting services in advance of their absence with a reasonable excuse (e.g. sickness).

  • Students are allowed 2 “No-Shows” per semester.
  • On the third “No-Show,” students may have interpreting services suspended.
  • Students may be required to meet with SAS before interpreting services are restored.  During this meeting students should be prepared to explain the reason for the “No-Shows.”
  • Students are required to inform SAS when communication access services are no longer needed.
  • When students drop or withdraw enrollment from a course, they are required to inform SAS as soon as possible.

To avoid a “No-Show” please immediately notify SAS with the following information:

  • Student’s first and last name
  • Student ID
  • Course name in which attendance will be missed
  • Day, date, and time of class or academic program or event (e.g. Monday, March 1st, 8-8:50 AM)
  • Reason for the absence