Professional Code of Conduct

Sign language interpreters employed by SAS are required to follow the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct.  Salient points from this Code state that communication access service providers must:

  • Provide/interpret all information accurately and without bias.
  • Not add to, or delete from, any message, express personal opinions, or participate in the class/activity.
  • Not tutor students regarding course content even if requested to do so.  If students do not understand portions of lectures or class assignments, it is students’ responsibility to request clarification directly from professors.

With the above in mind, students should not ask service providers to engage in behavior that could compromise their code of professional conduct.  For example, interpreters should not be asked to do more than simply interpret the course activities to which they are assigned.  Communication access service providers are not responsible for informing the students of missed information and the interpreters may rest their hands if students are inattentive.

For more information, please reference the Code of Professional Conduct for the Registry of Interpreters and National Association for the Deaf.