Risk Management & Insurance

Risk is ever-present, but it can be managed. Managing risk is a shared responsibility that involves the entire Marymount community, and the Risk Management & Insurance team coordinates those efforts. Our mission is to:

  • Make people aware of risk and the potential positive and negative consequences of taking risk
  • Educate faculty, staff and students about risk management tools
  • Collaborate with faculty, staff, and students as they plan activities and events, enter into agreements, create and use logos and other intellectual property, seek to create and use waivers and other risk transfer tools, and undertake risk management efforts
  • Purchase an insurance safety net to finance recovery after a loss
  • Resolve insurance claims and handle any litgation

If we can offer assistance, please contact us via email. We are dedicated to helping Marymount University maximize the benefits, and minimizing the costs and losses, of risk.

Risk Management & Insurance