Purchasing Card (P-Card) Policy

 I.  Effective Date

June 2023 

II.  Last Revision Date 

May 2024 

III.  Responsible Party 

Vice President for Finance and Operations & CFO 

Procurement and Payables Department 

IV.  Scope

All University employees.  

V.  Purpose

To establish the requirements, responsibilities and penalties associated with using Marymount University-issued Commercial Card for small dollar purchases. The term “Commercial Card” will be interchangeable with the term “Procurement Card or Purchasing Card” (P-Card).  

VI.  Policy Statement 

It is the policy of Marymount to utilize P-Cards in order to provide departments with a convenient and efficient way to purchase goods, services, travel, or entertain on behalf of the University in furtherance of its core mission. P-Cards must not be used to circumvent the University integrated procurement process where formal bidding is required, or contracts exist that provide the goods or services being sought. 

VII. Definitions 

Allowable Expense 

A necessary, reasonable and appropriate expense incurred for the primary benefit of official university business, directly charged based on the permission of the University, or by the terms of federal or primarily sponsored agreements. 

Official University Business or Business Purpose 

An activity that directly carries out or supports Marymount University’s mission of instruction, research and service activities. 

VIII.  Eligibility 

P-Cards are only available to full-time employees in good standing on active pay status. Only one (1) P-Card will be issued to an employee at any time.  

Procurement Cards are not available to temporary employees; graduate assistants; students and student-athletes; contractors; consultants; volunteers; or any other individual who is not a full time Marymount University employee in good standing on active pay status. 

Applications for P-Cards will be reviewed and approved by the employee’s immediate Supervisor, Divisional Vice President and the Procurement and Payables Department. For the purposes of this policy, the term “Cardholder” is the University’s employee who has been issued a P-Card and whose name appears on the P-Card.  

IX.  General Guidelines and Responsibilities 

  1. P-Cards can be used to purchase goods or services permitted within the general operating policies of the University.  
  2. Supplies, equipment, travel, and entertainment expenses for university business may be charged to the P-Card. Travel expenses for those other than the named Cardholder are generally not permitted; however, one person from each department may be assigned to charge conference fees, air fare and transportation charges for others within their department to their P-Card.
  3. Cardholders are prohibited from providing their P-Card to another employee for use.
  4. The Cardholder must read, understand and follow this Policy and any accompanying procedures issued by the Procurement and Payables Department. 

X.  Credit Limits and Restrictions 

  1. Monthly credit limits will be assigned on an individual basis and are reflective of departmental needs, past purchasing levels or travel-related 
  2. Maximum single swipe transaction limit shall not exceed $1,500.
  3. Maximum overall monthly credit limit shall not exceed $3,500.
  4. Splitting or dividing payment into several smaller transactions to bypass the single transaction limit on the P-Card is prohibited.  Splitting charges in this manner will result in revocation of the card. The total transaction amount must be charged at one time. 
  5. Requests for a credit limit adjustment must be submitted by completing a P-Card Request Form. Requests above $25,000 require Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer (SVP/CFO) approval. 

XI.  Sales Tax Exemption

  1. The University is tax exempt.  Sales tax should be avoided where possible. A copy of the University’s Tax Exemption Certificate can be obtained from Procurement and Payables Department. 

XII.  Allowable and Prohibited Transactions 

A. Prohibited Transactions

  • Personal charges, even with the intent of reimbursing the University.  
  • Airline club memberships.  
  • Cash – Cardholders cannot use the Procurement Card to obtain cash, such as money orders or traveler’s checks. Cardholders are not to receive cash as a credit for the return of an item or a trip cancellation.  
  • Gift Cards (or other cash-like transactions). 
  • Gasoline purchases for personal vehicles, even when traveling on University business.  
  • Inter-departmental charges, such as a ticket to a University event.  
  • Wireless phones, Smart phones, Air Cards, Voice and/or Data Service. Wireless cellular services and equipment are to be processed through the Office of Information Technology.  
  • Internet Access, except during travel.  
  • Computer hardware and software.  
  • Printers.  
  • Honorariums.  
  • Weapons and ammunition  
  • Construction, remodeling, or installation services.  
  • Controlled substances.  
  • Hazardous chemicals, materials, and environmental risk items.  
  • Radioactive materials.  
  • Financial Services.  
  • Political activities.  
  • Donations.  
  • Parking tickets, traffic violations, or other civil fines.  
  • Lease or rental agreements.  
  • Annual maintenance agreements.  
  • Purchases involving the trade-in of University property. 
  • Any purchase that requires a signed contract.  
  • Purchases prohibited by other University policy or not related to approved University business.  

B.  Allowable Transactions

  • Airline and train tickets.  
  • Hotel rooms.  
  • Gasoline for rental cars when on approved University travel.  
  • Subscriptions and renewals.  
  • Association and Academic Memberships.  
  • Annual dues.  
  • Conference and seminar registrations.  
  • Books.  
  • Food for University-related events or activities.  

XIII.  Enforcement

Failure to comply with this Policy will result in disciplinary action (including but not limited to termination of employment), and/or cancellation or suspension of P-Card privileges. 


P-Card Guidelines and Procedures

Purchasing Goods & Services Guidelines

Tax Exempt Certificate