Marymount’s Sr. Patricia Helene Earl retiring after 26 years of service

Marymount’s Sr. Patricia Helene Earl retiring after 26 years of service

After 26 years of dedicated service, primarily as the Director of Marymount University’s Catholic School Leadership Program (CSLP), Sr. Patricia Helene Earl will retire from the institution this month.  Sr. Patricia’s Marymount journey began not as a faculty member but as a student. During her youth, she attended Marymount’s Junior School for eight years. After […]

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Charter Day events celebrate Marymount’s 70th anniversary through service to others

  Since 1950, Marymount University has emphasized three core values – one of them being “service to others.” As the community marked the day of the institution’s founding 70 years ago, its members proved that service is not just something they talk about – it’s evident in their actions. The University’s Charter Day celebration on […]

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Marymount University