Marymount offers expanded knowledge of artificial intelligence in new bachelor’s program

Marymount offers expanded knowledge of artificial intelligence in new bachelor’s program

School of Technology and Innovation Director Alex Mbaziira with Marymount students Designed to equip students with foundational skills necessary to excel in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, Marymount University’s new Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence (AI) degree fills a critical need for today’s and tomorrow’s workforce. Located in Marymount’s School of Technology and Innovation […]

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Professor’s research shows how AI can screen for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's and AI: professor's research shows how AI can screen for Alzheimer's

  As the health care landscape continues to evolve through technological innovation, researchers are exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) can be harnessed to combat the complex challenges posed by neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. Through unprecedented insights that improve diagnoses and potential interventions, AI is believed to hold the potential of offering transformative solutions that […]

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Marymount University