Dr. Skye Donovan elected to the American Physical Therapy Association’s Board of Directors

Dr. Skye Donovan elected to the American Physical Therapy Association’s Board of Directors

Dr. Skye Donovan, Department Chair of Physical Therapy and Professor at Marymount University’s Malek School of Health Professions, will now have a hands-on role in leading the strategic direction of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) after her successful nomination and election to the organization’s Board of Directors.

APTA is a national professional organization representing more than 100,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and students. Its Board of Directors comprises 15 members, and Dr. Donovan will serve a three-year term on the Board which will expire in 2023.

“I am honored to serve the Association and my profession in the role of Director, and am especially excited to assume this position as our Association celebrates its centennial anniversary,” Dr. Donovan said. “I am humbled to work with my Board of Directors colleagues to establish policies and initiatives that will impact the profession of physical therapy today and in the future.”

Additionally, Dr. Donovan received APTA’s 2020 Societal Impact Award, which recognizes individuals who exemplify the compassionate nature of the physical therapy profession by creating and supporting philanthropic initiatives, raising public awareness on key societal welfare issues and demonstrating how physical therapy can be applied to address those issues. Her exemplary dedication and volunteerism is represented by her leadership of Marymount’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program’s annual global service learning trip to Central America, where students volunteer to provide physical therapy and other general health services to underserved populations. She has also helped build over 100 cars through the “Go Baby Go!” program, which transforms the lives of children with mobility challenges by providing adapted battery-powered cars and four-wheelers to help them move freely in their environment.

“I do not consider myself different from any other physical therapist – I see a need and I do my best to fill it, whether it is working in the communities of Nicaragua or modifying cars for children with mobility challenges,” Dr. Donovan explained. “I am incredibly fortunate to work in a profession that allows me to form meaningful connections with others and help them find their place in the world. I am forever grateful to all of my patients and clients for allowing me to be a part of their lives.”

Dr. Donovan has also been instrumental in the success of the Marymount 5K, an annual race that has raised over $20,000 each year to support the medical mission work of the University’s Physical Therapy program. The 2020 race, originally scheduled for April, was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.