Marymount University Ballston Center Cody Gallery Dedicated to Honor the RSHM Faithful Service to Catholic Education

Marymount University held a dedication ceremony of the new Cody Gallery in Ballston Center on Thursday, March 8. Anonymous donors presented an art gallery naming gift to the University in gratitude for the important role that sisters have played in Catholic education, in general, and specifically in their lives. “No community understands that gratitude for […]

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Marymount University’s Bisson Lecture Features UW-Madison’s Brigitte Fielder

Marymount University’s 2018 Bisson Lecture will feature Dr. Brigitte Fielder, assistant professor of comparative literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her lecture, “Antislavery Children’s Literature and Twenty-First Century Antiracism,” begins at 5 p.m. on April 4 in the University’s Ballston Center Conference Room, 1000 North Glebe Road. While the event is free and open to […]

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Marymount President Matthew Shank Honored by Virginia General Assembly

Marymount University President Matthew D. Shank was lauded by the Virginia General Assembly in House Joint Resolution No. 411 for “his years of exemplary service to the students, staff, and faculty of Marymount University” as well as “his many contributions to higher education.” Patrons of the resolution, approved by both houses of the legislature, are […]

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Public Invited to Interior Design Panel at Ballston Center

Marymount University invites the public to “Design Conversations: An Evening with Distinguished Marymount University Interior Design Alums” at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4 at the Ballston Center Auditorium, 1000 North Glebe Road. The panelists include Tama Duffy Day of Gensler, Eileen Vitelli from Studio3877 and HGTV’s Tyler Wisler. S. Dorothea Scott-Fundling, director of Marymount’s […]

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Marymount University