WDVM: ICE blocks new international college students

United States Immigration just released new guidance regarding visas for new international college students that effectively bars them from entering the country if their institution is fully online.   Back in March, ICE and the Department of State announced legislation that all international students whose institution was fully online for the fall semester would not […]

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InsideNoVa.com: Marymount signs on to national mutual-aid accord

Marymount University has become a member of the National Intercollegiate Mutual Aid Agreement (NIMAA), one of more than 100 signatory institutions across the nation that pledge to support each other in the event of a natural disaster or civil emergency.   Marymount joins Georgetown University and the George Washington University as members of the five-year-old […]

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IntelligentHQ.com: Higher Ed Thought Leadership Series: Emad Rahim Interviews Dr. Irma Becerra, President of Marymount University

In this new higher Ed thought leadership series, Dr. Emad Rahim interviews Dr. Irma Becerra, President of Marymount University. Dr. Becerra took office as the seventh President of Marymount University on July 1, 2018. During her tenure so far, she has launched the University’s new strategic plan, added market-driven academic programs that prioritize career preparation, acquired The […]

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The Arlington Catholic Herald: 2020 graduates will help rebuild our nation and world from the COVID-19 pandemic

Irma Becerra/Special to the Catholic Herald On the last day of May, our Marymount University in Arlington community joined virtually, united across the entire world, in what was surely the most unprecedented commencement in the school’s 70-year history.   And we are not alone in this – for the first time in higher education, commencements […]

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Technical.ly: Marymount University launched a new set of graduate-level upskilling programs

Marymount University’s new upskilling initiative is on a mission to equip students with high-demand technical and business skills across multiple industries. The Arlington, Virginia-based Catholic university just launched its Upskilling for the What’s Next Economy initiative, which features a group of graduate-level certificate and degree qualification programs across industries such as healthcare, cybersecurity and data science. The various […]

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